Adjournment Motion Proposed under Standing Order 26 / Application Not Accepted

Issue not urgent; other opportunity for debate

Debates p. 2464


Mr. Benjamin (Regina—Lake Centre) sought leave to move the adjournment of the House, under the provisions of Standing Order 26, for the purpose of discussing the threat to western rural communities and the farmer-owner elevator system resulting from recommendations contained in the Prairie Rail Action Committee report.


Does the application satisfy the provisions of Standing Order 26?


The application is rejected.

Reasons given by the Speaker

"[T]he Chair must take into account other opportunities to discuss the matter." This can mean either past or future opportunities. While the House has not debated the matter extensively, the Members have had several chances in the past to show their opposition to the deliberations and findings of the Prairie Rail Action Committee.

Standing Order 26 should only apply in cases of real emergency, and "the emergency should not be something which is subject to judgment or difference of opinion."