
As Clerk, it is my distinct honour to provide a foreword to the third edition of House of Commons Procedure and Practice. Throughout my career on Parliament Hill, I have seen substantial changes to parliamentary practices that have improved the flow and effectiveness of House business. I was fortunate enough to begin my procedural career at the House of Commons and I feel very privileged to have come back as the newly appointed Clerk when House of Commons Procedure and Practice, Third Edition, was in its final stages of production. I am deeply impressed by the careful work of the more than 150 individuals who contributed to the completion of this project.
The complex nature of parliamentary procedure and practice makes it necessary to report its history accurately and monitor all precedents if we want to fully capture its development. It is no small task to methodically track and document procedural developments in the House of Commons and its committees. A work of this magnitude could not be completed without sound management and sustained collaboration. I would like to acknowledge the work of Marc Bosc, Acting Clerk, 2014-2017, and André Gagnon, Deputy Clerk, as senior editors. Their indispensable contribution speaks to their vast procedural knowledge, long experience, and genuine passion for the House of Commons. They have my deepest appreciation for their exemplary efforts in overseeing all aspects of the production of this authoritative work.
This third edition is an indispensable companion to the work of Members. There is no doubt that it will continue to be a valuable reference tool for the broader parliamentary community and other interested audiences, both here in Canada and abroad.
Charles Robert
Clerk of the House of Commons