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M-246 Quebec's role in the immigration process

42nd Parliament, 1st Session

Motion Text

That the House: (a) recognize the role Quebec, as a society proudly home to women and men from all backgrounds, plays in the immigration process for individuals who choose to settle there; (b) take note of the agreements between Quebec and Canada set out in section 8 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act; (c) recognize the role Quebec and Quebec society play in welcoming and integrating new Quebeckers; (d) call upon the Government of Canada to negotiate an agreement with the Government of Quebec that would allow it to host a citizenship or welcome ceremony for individuals who apply for citizenship in Quebec and that would allow the National Assembly of Quebec to adopt a Quebec oath of citizenship; and (e) call upon the Government of Canada to work with the Government of Quebec to allow Quebec to fully assume its role in welcoming immigrating individuals and to enable them to feel as though they are full Quebec citizens.

Latest Activity

Monday, June 17, 2019


Friday, June 14, 2019
Placed on Notice
Monday, June 17, 2019