Precedence and Sequence of Business / Business of the House

Allotted day; notice of non-confidence motion appearing on the Notice Paper

Debates pp. 14997-8


On February 12, during Routine Proceedings, Mr. Nielsen (Yukon) rose on a point of order to protest certain changes in the Notice Paper following the postponement to the following week of an allotted day for consideration of the business of supply, notably the absence of a notice of an opposition motion which he had tabled on the previous day in accordance with Standing Order 58(4)(a). After hearing Members' comments, the Speaker reserved her decision until the next sitting.


Must the text of a notice of an opposition motion, to be debated on an allotted day, appear on the Notice Paper the day after its tabling even when the allotted day is postponed?


Yes. The text of such a motion should appear on the Notice Paper the day after it is tabled.

Reasons given by the Speaker

Page 2 of the Order Paper, which is titled "Projected Weekly Order of Business", is not an official part of the Order Paper; rather it is inserted for the information of Members. The Government may not change anything on the Order Paper, only a decision by the House may modify it. However, the text of the Member's notice of motion should have appeared on the Notice Paper because the notice had not been withdrawn.

Sources cited

Standing Orders 18(2) and 58(4)(a).

Order Paper and Notices, February 12, 1982, p. 2.


Debates, February 12, 1982, pp. 14953-66.