Routine Proceedings / Presenting Reports from Standing and Special Committees

Admissibility of report

Journals p. 6114

Debates p. 26943


During the presentation of reports from standing and special committees, Mrs. Cote (Rimouski—Temiscouata) presented the tenth report of the Standing Committee on Agriculture, which contained comments on Bill C-653, An Act to amend the Farmers' Creditors Arrangement Act. Later in the day, the Speaker ruled on the admissibility of the report.


Can a committee, charged with considering a bill, report to the House its comments and recommendations?


No. Such a report is out of order.

Reasons given by the Speaker

In accordance with a precedent, there is no authority that a committee of the House, when considering a bill, should report anything to the House but the bill itself. "A Committee is bound by, and is not at liberty to depart from, the order of reference."

Sources cited

Journals, December 20, 1973, pp. 773-5.

Beauchesne, 4th ed., p. 251, c. 304(2); 5th ed., p. 235, c. 783.


Debates, June 29, 1983, p. 26928.