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M-460 Southern resident killer whales

41st Parliament, 2nd Session

Motion Text

That, in the opinion of the House, the government should implement an Action Plan for the recovery of Southern resident killer whales (SRKW) by February 2014, and consider the advisability of protecting and ensuring the long term health of SRKW and their prey by: (a) continuing support for research and monitoring programs, including (i) ongoing funding for scientific research under the Species At Risk Act (SARA), (ii) restoration of Department of Fisheries and Oceans' (DFO) capacity for ocean pollution and research monitoring programs, (iii) establishment of a dedicated fund to support ongoing scientific research in identifying new or changing threats to SRKW population, (iv) restoration of funding to stewardship programs to ensure boaters are educated about Be-Whale-Wise-Guidelines, (v) trans-border cooperation in research and monitoring programs and initiatives; (b) implementing programs to decrease chemical pollution in the Salish Sea, including (i) promotion of alternatives to commonly used household cleaning products, specifically products that contain contaminants that are harmful to human health as well as aquatic life, (ii) a ban on cosmetic pesticide use in home gardens, (iii) measures to promote proper disposal of industrial contaminants, (iv) expansion of the chemical registry list to include Polybrominated diphenyl ethers as recommended in the Recovery Strategy, (v) reduction of the presence of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in critical habitats, (vi) improvement of prevention, management and response programs for oil spills in the Salish Sea; (c) implementing measures to decrease anthropogenic noise levels and disturbance, including (i) limits on marine traffic through critical habitat, (ii) implementation of guidelines for sound exposure to minimize the impact on SRKW, (iii) investigation of the effectiveness of no-go zones and establishing criteria to determine appropriate guidelines for whale watching, (iv) establishment of an ongoing fund for marine debris removal; (d) improving enhancement practices and introducing measures to increase survival rates of weak and threatened Chinook stocks, including (i) extension of SRKW Critical Habitat protection granted under SARA to Chinook spawning grounds and spawning stocks, (ii) increase support for wild Chinook enhancement policies and support for appropriate Salmonid Enhancement Programs (SEP), (iii) expansion of support for public education, engagement and outreach through local and K-12 programs to increase youth involvement with SEP; and (e) mandating a five-year review and consultation with stakeholders to determine the effectiveness of the Action Plan and to determine what further actions, education and outreach are necessary to protect SRKW population in the Salish Sea.

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Thursday, October 24, 2013
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Thursday, October 24, 2013
Placed on Notice