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M-103 Restriction of vaping products

44th Parliament, 1st Session

Motion Text


(a) the House recognize that,

(i) national data shows the number of Canadian teenagers regularly using vaping products ranks among the highest in the world,

(ii) experts have noted that a lack of action from the federal government and the widespread availability of flavoured vaping products is fuelling a growing youth vaping crisis in Canada,

(iii) vaping among young people is associated with serious negative health impacts, including addiction, harm to brain development, seizures, increased risk for tobacco and other substance use, mental health problems, pulmonary and cardiovascular disease, unintentional injuries, decreased breathing, and difficulties with concentration,

(iv) in June 2021 Health Canada stated its intention to reduce youth vaping by removing flavourings from vaping products, but has failed to follow through to date,

(v) vaping has been marketed as an effective way to quit smoking, but vaping products have never been approved as smoking cessation aids in Canada,

(vi) data from Statistics Canada shows that Canadians aged 15 to 19 use flavoured vaping products at a much higher rate than older age groups,

(vii) data from Statistics Canada shows that fruit, candy, and dessert flavoured vape products are more commonly used by youth aged 15 to 19 than older age groups; and

(b) in the opinion of the House, the government should restrict the manufacture and sale of vaping products with flavours or aromas other than tobacco in Canada.

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Wednesday, November 8, 2023
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