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[Recorded by Electronic Apparatus]

Thursday, November 30, 1995



The Chairman: We'll have a short meeting today to ratify the steering committee meeting that we had.

The steering committee meeting indicated that when Bill C-110 comes, whenever it comes, we want to start hearings half an hour after second reading, whenever that may be. Ms Venne was here and indicated she would not be here for this particular ratification of the steering committee because she has other obligations, I believe. But that was discussed.

We also discussed Bill C-232, the grandparenting clause...the grandparenting act...sorry, the amendment giving grandparents rights under the Divorce Act.

Ms Torsney (Burlington): There will be grandparents in the country.

The Chairman: Hot chocolate does that to you.

We discussed having that next Thursday at whatever time is set. It would be 9:30 a.m. or 10 a.m.

That was the steering committee report. I need a motion to adopt.

Ms Cohen (Windsor - St. Clair): I so move.

Motion agreed to

The Chairman: The meeting is adjourned.
