Wednesday, June 19, 1996 (Meeting No. 2)
Senate of Canada:
Honourable Landon Pearson, Senator.
Wednesday, September 25, 1996 (Meeting No. 4)
Canadian Friends of Burma:
Christine Harmston, Coordinator;
Kevin Heppner, Director; Karen Human Rights Group;
Penny Sanger, Executive Committee.
Federation for a Democratic China:
Rebecca To, Representative.
International Committee for a Free Vietnam:
Hai Ngo, Coordinator;
Tan Tri Nguyen, Former Prisoner.
Vietnamese Canadian Federation:
Thu Van Lam, Senior Official, Human Rights Commission;
Minh Tri Truong, Multicuralism.
Wednesday, October 2, 1996 (Meeting No. 5)
Canadian Council for International Cooperation:
Betty Plewes, President and Chief Executive Officer.
CLUB 2/3:
Jean Rock Roy, Director of Communications.
``Défense des enfants internationale'':
Manon Bernier, Representative;
Jacques Tremblay, Representative.
Foreign Affairs and International Trade:
Honourable Senator Landon Pearson, Advisor to the Minister on Children's Rights.
Human Rights Research and Education Centre:
Errol Mendes, Director.
``Jeunesse du Monde'':
Serge Fleury, Coordinator, Youth Programs.
Thursday, October 3, 1996 (Meeting No. 6)
Canadian Labour Congress:
Stephen Benedict, National Director, International Department.
``Confédération des syndicats nationaux (CSN)'' - International Relations:
Louise Lavallée, Secretary;
Marie Pépin, Legal Counsel.
Save the Children (Canada);
Girish Godbole, Country Director, India.
Steelworkers Humanity Fund:
Gerry Barr, Representative.
Individual Presentation:
John Harker, Former Director, International Labour Organization (ILO), Canada Branch Office.
Thursday, October 3, 1996 (Meeting No. 7)
Alexanian Carpet:
Linda Alexanian, Buyer.
Canadian Apparel Federation:
Stephen Beatty, Executive Director.
Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA):
Huguette Labelle, President.
Levi Strauss & Co.:
William J. Maroni, Vice President, Government Affairs and Public Policy.
Trio Selection Inc. (Cream Soda Clothing):
Subash Khanna, Secretary-Treasurer.
Wednesday, October 9, 1996 (Meeting No. 8)
Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA):
Jacques Bédard, Acting Regional Director, Central America Program.
Caucus of Development NGO Network of the Philippines:
Carazon Julino-Soliman, Co-Chair, Philippines Council for Sustainable Development;
Katherine Pearson, Advocacy Officer, Canadian Council for International Cooperation;
Dan Songco, National Coordinator, Caucus of Development of NGO Network of the Philippines;
Karen Tanada, Chair, Women's Action Network for Development.
CRC Sogema:
André Carrier, Project Manager;
Carlos Manuel Echeverria, Regional Director, PAR Program, Costa Rica.
Regional Initiatives Support Program:
Richard Aitkenhead Castillo, Representative of the President of the Republic of Guatemala, Responsible for the coordination of International cooperation for Peace, Guatemala City;
Irma Acosta De Fortin, Coordinator, International Development Corporation, Tegucigalpa;
Mirna Lievano De Marquez, Director, Superior School of Economy and Business, El Salvador;
Xabier Gorostiaga S.J., Rector, Central America University and President, Economic and Social Investigations Centre for Central American and the Carribean (CRIES), Managua.
Wednesday, November 20, 1996 (Meeting No. 10)
Free the Children:
Kyle Connolly, Ottawa Member;
Laura Hannant, Ottawa Member.
``Jeunesse Canada Monde'':
Émilie Bernier, Representative.
Kids for Human Rights and Justice:
Jemima Day Cowan, Founding Member;
Caitlin Smith, Founding Member.