Issue No. 8
Thursday, February 20, 1997
Chairman: Shaughnessy Cohen
Minutes of Proceedings of the Standing Committee on
Justice and Legal Affairs
Pursuant to Standing Order 35(2) and section 118 of the Firearms Act, S.C. 1995, c. 39, the consideration of the following Draft Regulations concerning:
Firearms Licences Regulations (SOR 96-458-01),
Non-Prohibited Ammunition Transfer Document Regulations (SOR 96-224-01),
Storage, Display, Transportation and Handling of Firearms by Individuals Regulations (SOR 96-216-02),
Storage, Display and Transportation of Firearms and Other Weapons by Businesses Regulations (SOR 96-564-01),
Authorizations to Transport Restricted Firearms and Prohibited Firearms Regulations (SOR 96-243-02),
Authorizations to Carry Restricted Firearms and Certain Handguns Regulations (SOR 96-242-02),
Authorization to Export and Import Firearms Regulations (Businesses) (SOR 96-560-01),
Conditions of Transferring Firearms and Other Weapons Regulations (SOR 96-556-01),
Firearms Records Regulations (SOR 96-584-01),
Aboriginal Peoples of Canada Adaptations Regulations (Firearms) (SOR 96-585-02),
Firearms Fees Regulations (SOR 96-268-02)
Second Session of the Thirty-fifth Parliament, 1996
The Eighth Report to the House
(The Report of the Sub-Committee on Firearms Regulations)
Presentation of the Tenth Report of the Sub-Committee on Agenda and Procedure