Wednesday, April 23, 1997
The Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs has the honour to present its
The Sub-Committee on Members' Services was established by resolution of the Committee on March 6, 1997, with the mandate to consider any matter referred to in Standing Order 108(3)(a)(i), namely ``the administration of the House and the provision of the services and facilities to Members.'' The Sub-Committee consists of four members--two Members from the government side, one Member from the Official Opposition, and one Member from the Reform Party. It was also provided that the Sub-Committee would report, by consensus, from time to time.
The fourth member of the Sub-Committee was appointed on March 18, 1997, and the Sub-Committee held its organizational meeting on April 9, 1997. It has held two other meetings, as well as an informal meeting with the Clerk of the House of Commons, Mr. Robert Marleau.
In its discussions, it has become apparent that there is a clear need for a sub-committee of this nature. Members need a place where they take their concerns and problems relating to the provision of allowances and services to Members. There needs to be a place where Members' views and input can be sought on such issues. A Sub-Committee on Members' Services can be an important forum in which to discuss these issues, and it can make representations on behalf of Members to the Board of Internal Economy and the House administration. Such a vehicle has been lacking since the disbanding of the Standing Committee on Management and Members' Services in 1991. We strongly believe that the Sub-Committee can play a very valuable role, and that it should be re-established in the next Parliament.
As most Members have now had at least three and a half years' experience in the House of Commons, the Sub-Committee felt that a survey of Members would be extremely useful. Accordingly, the Sub-Committee prepared and circulated a Questionnaire on Members' Allowances and Services. While recognizing that Members are extremely busy at this point in time, we are hoping to receive a large number of completed questionnaires. We believe that these will assist the next Parliament in providing Members with the appropriate tools with which to carry out their jobs.
The Committee recommends that
- The Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs (or its successor) in the 36th Parliament be strongly encouraged to appoint a Sub-Committee on Members' Services as soon as possible after its organization. Such a Sub-Committee should initially have a similar mandate to that of the existing Sub-Committee.
- The responses to the Questionnaire on Members' Allowances and Services that was circulated to Members on April 16, 1997 should be compiled and summarized for future use by the Sub-Committee and the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs (or its successor).
- A copy of the questionnaire summary and results should be made available, on a confidential basis, to the Clerk of the House.
A copy of the relevant Minutes of Proceedings (Issue No. 4 which includes this report) is tabled.
Respectfully submitted,