CONTENTS: [Orders of Reference] [Minutes of Proceedings] [Witnesses]
Issue No. 2 (Meetings Nos. 22 to 34)
Thursday, September 19, 1996
Thursday, September 26, 1996
Tuesday, October 8, 1996
Tuesday, October 22, 1996
Tuesday, October 29, 1996
Wednesday, October 30, 1996
Thursday, October 31, 1996
Tuesday, November 5, 1996
Thursday, November 7, 1996
Monday, November 18, 1996
Tuesday, November 19, 1996
Thursday, December 5, 1996
Chairman: Paul Zed
Minutes of Proceedings of the Standing Committee on
Procedure and House Affairs
Thursday, September 19, 1996
1) Mandate under Standing Orders 92 and 108(3)(a)(iv) - Private Members' Business
2) Mandate pursuant to Standing Orders 104 and 114: Membership of Standing and Standing Joint Committees - Striking Committee Report
Thursday, September 26, 1996
1) Mandate under Standing Orders 92 and 108(3)(a)(iv) - Private Members' Business: selection of votable items - Order of Reference to the Sub-Committee on Private Members' Business (October 8, 1996 to December 15, 1996)
2) Mandate under Standing Order115(4) -- Priority of use in Committee rooms
Tuesday, October 8, 1996;
Tuesday, October 22, 1996
Bill C-270, An Act to amend the Financial Administration Act (session of Parliament)
Tuesday, October 8, 1996
1) Mandate under Standing Order 108(3)(a)(iii) -- Amendment to Standing Order 107(4) -- Quorum of the Liaison Committee
2) Mandate under Standing Order 108(3)(a)(i) -- House publications
Tuesday, October 29, 1996;
Wednesday, October 30, 1996;
Thursday, October 31, 1996;
Thursday, November 7, 1996;
Monday,November 18, 1996
Order of Reference of Tuesday, October 22, 1996: Bill C-63, An Act to amend the Canada Elections Act and the Referendum Act, referred in accordance with Standing Order 73(1)
Tuesday, November 5, 1996
Order of Reference of Monday, October 28, 1996 in relation to Bill C-307, An Act to amend the Canada Elections Act (polling hours)
Tuesday, November 19, 1996
Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), consideration of the Report of the Ethics Counsellor for the fiscal year ended March 31, 1996, pursuant to the Lobbyists' Registration Act, S.C. 1995, c. 12, sbs.10(6) - Lobbyists' Code of Conduct
Thursday, December 5, 1996
House of Commons Outlook on Program Priorities and Expenditures for 1996-97 to 1998-99 as approved by the Board of Internal Economy
The Twenty-Fifth, Twenty-Sixth, Twenty-Seventh, Twenty-Eighth, Twenty-Ninth, Thirtieth, Thirty-First, Thirty-Second, Thirty-Third, Thirty-Fourth, Thirty-Fifth, Thirty-Sixth, Thirty-Seventh, Thirty-Eighth, Thirty-Ninth, Fortieth, Forty-First, Forty-Second, Forty-Third, Forty-Fourth, Forty-Fifth, Forty-Sixth, Forty-Seventh and Forty-Eighth Reports to the House
Tuesday, October 29, 1996
The Honourable Herb Gray,
Leader of the Government in the
House of Commons and
Solicitor General
Thursday, December 5, 1996
The Honourable Gilbert Parent,
Speaker, House of Commons.
Chairman: Paul Zed
Vice-Chairs: Marlene Catterall
François Langlois
Madeleine Dalphond-Guiral
Jack Frazer
Mac Harb
Bonnie Hickey
Bob Kilger
René Laurin
John Loney
Rey Pagtakhan
Carolyn Parrish
Ray Speaker
Chuck Strahl--14
Associate Members
Mauril Bélanger
Robert Bertrand
Dianne Brushett
John Cummins
Ken Epp
Ron Fewchuk
Deborah Grey
Michel Guimond
Hugh Hanrahan
Stephen Harper
Dick Harris
Jim Hart
Jim Jordan
John Solomon
Darrel Stinson
Suzanne Tremblay
Elsie Wayne
Ted White
John Williams
(Quorum 8)
Marie Carrière
Clerk of the Committee