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[Recorded by Electronic Apparatus]

Thursday, September 21, 1995



The Clerk of the Committee: Order.

Hon. members, I see a quorum.

I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome the five new members to our committee: Mr. Iftody, Mr. Kirkby, Mr. Shepherd, who is not here this morning, Mr. Wood, and Mr. Strahl. Welcome to the natural resources committee.

In accordance with Standing Orders 106(1) and (2), your first item of business is to elect a chairperson.


Honourable members, I see a quorum. In accordance with Standing Orders 106(1) and (2), your first item of business is to elect a chairperson. I am ready to receive motions to that effect.


I'm ready to receive motions to this effect.

Mrs. Sheridan (Saskatoon - Humboldt): It is my distinct pleasure to make a motion to nominate Mr. Gordon Kirkby as chair of the committee.

Mr. Bryden (Hamilton - Wentworth): I second that.

The Clerk: It has been moved by Mrs. Sheridan and seconded by Mr. Bryden that Mr. Kirkby be elected chair of the committee. Is it the pleasure of the committee to adopt the motion?

Motion agreed to

The Clerk: I declare Mr. Kirkby duly elected as chairperson of the committee and invite him to take the chair.

The Chairman: Thank you very much.

The next order of business is to elect the two vice-chairmen.


Mr. Duceppe (Laurier - Sainte-Marie): I nominate Mr. René Canuel as opposition vice-chair.


Mr. Chatters (Athabasca): I would like to nominate Chuck Strahl as opposition vice-chair.


The Chairman: I think what we do is vote on Mr. Canuel, and if the committee votes in favour, then that will be the end of nominations. In the event that he is defeated, that will require another nomination. I believe that's the proper procedure.

Mr. Chatters: I would like to move that we hold a secret ballot vote on the position of opposition vice-chair.


Mr. Duceppe: I think that that would require unanimous consent, and we are opposed. We can always ask for a registered vote like the Reform Party requested in another committee this morning.


The Chairman: I believe it is proper to accede to the request for a secret ballot, but we do vote on the motion for Mr. Canuel being put forward. I'll pass out the ballots. The only thing you can do is say yes or no to the motion.


Mr. Duceppe: It seems to me that according to the procedure, the committee must agree to vote on the request for a secret ballot. From the start, committees have always voted on the appropriateness of holding a secret ballot.


The Chairman: I apologize. I think the committee would have to vote -

Mr. Collins (Souris - Moose Mountain): Right.

The Chairman: - that there be a secret ballot. So if you would make a motion that there be a secret ballot, we -

Mr. Chatters: I did make that motion.

The Chairman: Okay, then all in favour -

Mr. Wood (Nipissing): I don't believe it has been seconded, Mr. Chairman.

The Chairman: I don't believe it's necessary to second that motion.

Motion negatived

The Chairman: All those in favour of electing Mr. Canuel? Opposed?

Motion agreed to

The Chairman: Congratulations.

Mr. Chatters: Another blow for democracy.

The Chairman: We will now elect the second vice-chairman.

Mr. Wood: I'd like to nominate Mr. Thalheimer.

The Chairman: All in favour of putting in Mr. Thalheimer? Opposed?

Motion agreed to

The Chairman: We have now done the committee's business.

Before we adjourn, I would like to indicate that it would be my preference or feeling to have a steering committee composed of the parliamentary secretary, the two vice-chairmen, and one person from the Reform Party. So if the Reform Party would put forward their -

Mr. Chatters: Chuck Strahl will be our member.

The Chairman: Okay. Can we just take a motion right now then, setting that up?

There is a steering committee already on the books. However, it will need to be amended so that the parliamentary secretary can be on it. Could I have a motion to amend that?


Mr. Chatters: Could I ask the chairman for the rationale of the parliamentary secretary being on the steering committee?

The Chairman: It is simply what I'm used to. It is something I would prefer. You get not only all parties represented but also someone who's in communication with the government.

An hon. member: Are you not in communication with the government?

The Chairman: That's my rationale. You can like it or not like it, but that's what I'd like to see. I don't see any harm in it.

Could we have a motion adding the parliamentary secretary?

Motion agreed to

The Chairman: Our next meeting will be next Thursday, if that is acceptable. The issue of the Explosives Act has been referred to the committee, so we will ask our clerk to search out the appropriate officials to bring forward as witnesses for that. We will be proceeding with that as a first order of business.

If members have ideas for business that can be referred to a steering committee, then we'll be accepting that sort of input at this time. The steering committee will meet and bring recommendations to the committee.

Mr. Strahl (Fraser Valley East): Next Thursday will we meet as a committee of the whole or will the steering committee meet?

The Chairman: All of us will be meeting here to discuss the Explosives Act.

Mr. Strahl: Have you planned for a meeting of the steering committee between now and then?

The Chairman: It is possible, but nothing firm has been set yet. We would appreciate hearing the input of individual members as to directions the committee could take. Send me a letter saying that you would like to do this or that.

Thank you, one and all, for your attendance.

The meeting is adjourned.
