Monday, September 18, 1995 (Meeting No. 62)
Louise Moreau, Member for Alpes-Maritimes of the National Assembly of France.
Tuesday, September 26, 1995 (Meeting No. 65)
North South Institute:
Roy Culpeper, President.
Jonas Kipokola, Deputy Principal Secretary and Deputy Secretary to the Planning Commission of the office of the President;
Delphin Rwegasira, Director of Development Policy for the African Development Bank.
From Zimbabwe:
Enoch Dumbutshena, Former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Zimbabwe.
Thursday, september 28, 1995 (Meeting No. 66)
ATS Aerospatial Inc.:
William Friend, President.
Genesis Microchip Inc.:
Paul Russo, President.
KSI Engineering Ltd.:
Knud Simonsen, President.
Lee Valley Tools Ltd:
Leonard Lee, President.
Legacy Storage Systems:
David Killins, President and CEO.
Tuesday, October 3, 1995 (Meeting No. 67)
Gene Barbee and Associates Ltd.:
Gene Barbee, President.
OMEID International Inc:
Kamyar Peyrow, President.
Wednesday, October 4, 1995 (Meeting No. 68)
Baltic Business Council:
Regina Pearce, Director General.
Business Centurions Centres Inc:
Donald Hillhouse, President.
Canadian Chinese Business Development Inc.:
Patrick Wong, Honourary Advisor.
Canadian Council for the Americas:
Halina Ostrovski, National President.
Certified General Accountants Association of Canada:
Jean Précourt, Chairman and CEO;
Keith Scott, Senior Vice-President of Public Affairs and CGA International.
Thursday, October 5, 1995 (Meeting No. 69)
Palestinian National Authority:
Dr. Faisal Husseini, Minister, Palestinian National Authority and Chief Negotiator in the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks.
Tuesday, October 17, 1995 (Meeting No. 70)
Abegweit Seafoods Inc.:
Garth Jenkins, President.
Info Globe:
Jeff Carruthers, Director, Government Information Services.
Namtrade International:
Christine Jalilvand, President.
Prospectus Inc.:
Marvin Bedward, Partner;
Jan Fedorowicz, Senior Partner.
Shore Holsteins International Inc.:
Robert Shore, President.
11 CORINFO Research and Information:
Ron MacSpadyen, Director.
Thursday, October 19, 1995 (Meeting No. 71)
Caisse centrale Desjardins:
Jean-Guy Langelier, President;
Trung Nguyen, Vice-President.
Hongkong Bank of Canada:
Lindsay Gordon, Executive Vice-President;
David Hunter, Vice-President, Trade Services.
Northstar Trade Finance Inc.:
Scott Shepherd, President and CEO.
Royal Bank:
Doug Williamson, Senior Vice-President, Business Banking.
St. Stanislaus/St. Casimir's Polish Parishes Credit Union Ltd.:
Stan Krol, General Manager.