Rules of Debate / Tabling of Documents


Debates pp. 28455-6


During Routine Proceedings, Mr. Nielsen (Yukon) rose on a point of order and demanded the tabling of an official document, namely, a telex from the High Commissioner to the Barbados which, according to the Member, was consulted and quoted at length by Mr. Regan (Minister of State for International Trade) during Question Period. After hearing Members' comments, the Speaker ruled immediately.


Is a Minister required to table a document which he quoted to answer oral questions?


Yes. If a Minister uses a document to enforce an opinion or idea, Members must have access to that document.

Reasons given by the Speaker

According to Beauchesne, a Minister cannot read or quote from a dispatch or other state paper that is not before the House unless he is prepared to lay it upon the Table. However, if the public interest requires that such a document not be published, the Minister should so notify the House. (On November 2, the Minister advised the House that it was not in the public interest to publish the document in question.)

Sources cited

Beauchesne, 5th ed., p. 115, c. 327(1); p. 116, c. 327(5).


Debates, October 28, 1983, pp. 28454-6; November 2, 1983, pp. 28627-31.