Precedence and Sequence of Business / Miscellaneous

Obtaining Royal Consent

Debates p. 2091


Anticipating Mr. Yurko's (Edmonton East) motion for leave to introduce Bill C-228, an Act to grant a pardon to Louis David Riel, the Speaker made a statement during Routine Proceedings on Royal Consent and Crown prerogative.


By what point in the legislative process should Royal Consent be obtained?


Royal Consent should be obtained prior to debate beginning at second reading.

Reasons given by the Speaker

The granting of a pardon is a prerogative of the Crown and therefore requires Royal Consent. Erskine May's Twentieth Edition states that proceeding without this consent "would be courting waste of time" and recommends that "...the communication from the Queen is signified at the earliest stage of debate - usually the second reading."

Sources cited

May, 20th ed., p. 631.