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Petition to the Minister of Justice

  • The sexual exploitation of women, children has been normalized;
  • There is a lack of consequence for violent, and damaging experiences caused by hyper masulinity, and outdated beliefs; and
  • Boys and men are not being taught empathy, and healthy emotional regulation. They are instead culturally and socially encouraged to hit, grab, slam, and say mean things under the defense that "boys will be boys".
We, the undersigned, Citizens of Canada, call upon the Minister of Justice to
1. Work with the provincial Minstries of Education and other affiliations to create mandatory empathy classes for developing children;
2. Ensure all genders learn empathy and solutional thinking, from a young age; and
3. Ensure these classes include sections teaching (i) empathy, how to practice it and the consequences of not using it, (ii) reality versus fiction, highlighting things seen in movies, video games, and pornography that are not ok to perform in reality, (iii) tactics and strategies to regulate emotions, and control or minimize testosterone driven urges, (iv) self-awareness and solutional thinking, to each children to work together in expressing themselves authentically to find solutions and avoid major emotional conflicts.

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