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e-514 (Aboriginal women)

Initiated by Suzanne Dunn from Ottawa, Ontario

Original language of petition: English

Petition to Justin Trudeau

  • The federal Indian Act discriminates against Indian women based on sex and marital status by denying Band membership to Indian women who married into other Bands, along with the first and second-generation children of these women;
  • This legal barrier prevents 10,000 Indian women, their 40,000 children, and their 60,000 grandchildren from returning to their community, family, culture, tradition and languages; and
  • By delegating Band membership control to Chiefs and Councils, Canada delegated sex and marriage discrimination to one of its creatures, contrary to human rights legislation.
We, the undersigned, concerned citizens and residents of Canada, call upon the Prime Minister of Canada, the Right Honourable Justin Trudeauto act now to remove all forms of discrimination against Indian women from the federal Indian Act particularly as it discriminates against Indian women who married other Indian men of other Indian Bands other than their own, and to restore them to their original Indian Bands into which they were born with no restriction on their Band, and to extend the same right to children and grandchildren with no restriction on their Band Membership rights.
Canada is also asked to implement fully the decision in McIvor v Canada that all Indians whose names were removed from the Indian Act, 1971 and earlier versions be restored to their s. 6(1) (a) Indian status and Membership in their birth Bands without restriction on time and the same be accorded to their children and grandchildren. The application of Bill C-31 and Bill-3 must be amended to remove the year 1951 and make the sex equality law effective back to all versions of the Indian Act.
Open for signature
August 17, 2016, at 8:20 a.m. (EDT)
Closed for signature
December 15, 2016, at 8:20 a.m. (EDT)
Photo - Charlie Angus
Timmins—James Bay
New Democratic Party Caucus