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e-4765 (Foreign affairs)

Initiated by Michael Lawson from Ottawa, Ontario

Original language of petition: English

Petition to the Government of Canada

  • More than five million people are estimated to be internally displaced in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo as a result of violence and a resurgent, multi-faceted conflict;
  • The inadequate response of the international humanitarian sector, including donor countries like Canada, to this emergency has left people across the Congolese provinces of North Kivu, South Kivu and Ituri exposed to disease outbreaks and continued violence – including alarming levels of sexual violence targeting women and children;
  • More than 400,000 people who have been displaced in North Kivu alone have sought refuge at various camps around Goma, the provincial capital, and the nearby town of Sake, where living conditions are dire and humanitarian services are insufficient despite the proximity of many international humanitarian agencies; and
  • Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy compels Canada’s government to prioritize the needs of women and girls affected by humanitarian crises more generally, and to mitigate the human impact of sexual and gender-based violence more specifically.
We, the undersigned, citizens and residents of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to:
1. Increase Canada’s international humanitarian assistance budget for Democratic Republic of Congo in 2024, so that additional funds can be allocated in response to the acute crisis taking place in North Kivu, South Kivu and Ituri, without reallocating funding from other urgent needs in the country; and
2. Use all Canada’s available diplomatic and political tools (including its Feminist International Assistance Policy) to help alleviate the suffering of those affected by this crisis.

Response by the Minister of International Development

Signed by (Minister or Parliamentary Secretary): Anita Vandenbeld

The Government of Canada is deeply troubled by the current security situation and violations of human rights and international humanitarian law, including gender-based sexual violence, in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), particularly in the provinces of North Kivu, South Kivu and Ituri. Canada's foreign policy is based on the promotion and protection of human rights, peace and security, and the rule of law. Canada regularly expresses its concerns with governments and organizations in the region, including the United Nations (UN).

Canada continues to support international organizations and non-governmental organizations that provide vital assistance to meet the needs of vulnerable populations affected by conflict in the DRC. Canada supports experienced partners who work and provide vital aid to meet the needs of vulnerable and conflict-affected populations.

Canada is committed to assist vulnerable populations through its international aid to the DRC. In 2022-2023, Canadian international aid to the DRC totaled $207 million, making it the 6th largest recipient of Canadian international aid. Canada's initiatives aim to uphold the rights of women and girls, promote their sexual and reproductive health rights, and combat sexual and address gender-based violence. Canada also supports the protection of children and girls living in fragile contexts, in crisis and conflict situations. These interventions target the most vulnerable. Canada's commitment and support for the DRC is long-standing and totals no less than $1 billion since 2015.

At the request of the UN, Canada has been deploying a police team, 16 police officers and eight members of the Canadian Armed Forces to the DRC since 2021, primarily to Goma in eastern DRC, to support the DRC and the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the DRC (MONUSCO). As part of the Canadian mission, a police team specialized in sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) supports the Congolese National Police through training in best practices for investigating SGBV cases and bringing cases to justice. The team also offers mentoring and awareness-raising sessions in communities to promote reporting of SGBV to the authorities.

Recently, the Government of Canada announced $142 million in aid, including for projects across the DRC. This funding will advance gender equality, improve access to health supports for women and girls, address sexual and gender-based violence and bring forth more inclusive governance. 

Canada has a long tradition of supporting humanitarian efforts around the world. To address the growing need for international humanitarian assistance, the Government of Canada recently proposed, as part of Budget 2024, to provide an additional $350 million in funding over two years, starting in 2024-2025, to increase Canada's capacity to respond to large-scale and deteriorating humanitarian crises around the world.

Finally, as a strong sign of Canada's commitment the Minister of International Development made an official visit to the DRC in April 2024 to meet with the President and other officials to discuss the security and humanitarian situation in the DRC, as well as to visit Canadian-supported development projects.

Canada intends to pursue its commitment to the Congolese authorities, the United Nations (UN), the international community and civil society, to promote a rules-based international order, human rights, democracy, peace and security, and to prevent and effectively combat corruption.

Canada will continue to reaffirm its support for regional dialogue mechanisms, such as the Nairobi and Luanda peace processes, to put an end to violence in the region. The Government of Canada will continue to closely monitor the situation in the DRC and the Great Lakes region.

Open for signature
January 29, 2024, at 11:52 a.m. (EDT)
Closed for signature
March 29, 2024, at 11:52 a.m. (EDT)
Presented to the House of Commons
Heather McPherson (Edmonton Strathcona)
April 18, 2024 (Petition No. 441-02382)
Government response tabled
May 30, 2024
Photo - Heather McPherson
Edmonton Strathcona
New Democratic Party Caucus