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e-2508 (National defence and military operations)

Initiated by JEREMIE DUPUIS-ROY from Saint-Basile-le-Grand, Quebec

Original language of petition: French

Petition to the Associate Minister of National Defence

  • The Saint-Bruno firing range is a National Defence site measuring 4.5 square kilometres and located 30 minutes from Montreal. It has not been used by the department for some time and is in the process of being transferred. The site is locked and monitored by National Defence, and all recreational activities have been suspended;
  • The site currently features mountain bike, cross-country and snowshoe trails that are established and groomed by volunteers;
  • The South Shore of Montreal has very few mountain bike trails in relation to the number of mountain bikers (close to 151,000 in Montreal according to Vélo Québec);
  • The site also has soccer fields, which the municipality of Saint-Basile-le-Grand is negotiating to acquire;
  • The trails were redeveloped to comply with the ministerial order concerning the Western Chorus Frog (SOR/2018-169); and
  • The site features reception facilities and offers tremendous recreational and tourism potential for the region.
We, the undersigned, residents of Quebec, call upon the Associate Minister of National Defence to act quickly to transfer the site to an appropriate provincial (SEPAQ), regional or municipal agency, protect it from real estate development and, in particular, restore access to citizens so that they can use it for recreational purposes while still respecting areas that have been reserved for protected species. More specifically, we call for the trails (bike, ski, snowshoe) to be reopened as soon as possible and for the municipality to be able to continue using the soccer fields.

Response by the Minister of National Defence

Signed by (Minister or Parliamentary Secretary): The Honourable Harjit S. Sajjan

National Defence is taking concrete steps to advance whole of Government efforts towards creating a clean environment. With the responsibility to manage more than two million hectares of land, thousands of buildings, jetties and training areas, National Defence is central to the Government’s commitment to be a responsible steward of the environment. This includes doing our part to protect the habitat of at risk species found on Canadian Forces Bases and wings across Canada.

National Defence is currently divesting the St-Bruno Ranges and Training Areas from its portfolio as it has identified the area as surplus real estate. As part of this process, National Defence completed necessary environmental decontamination work, consulted with Indigenous groups, and consulted with representatives of neighbouring communities.

In accordance with the Treasury Board Directive on the Sale or Transfer of Surplus Real Property, National Defence has offered federal departments and agencies the opportunity to acquire for public use the St-Bruno Ranges and Training Areas. As such, discussions are currently underway with other federal departments and agencies.

In July 2018, National Defence completely closed public access to the St-Bruno Ranges and Training Areas. This was done to ensure compliance with the new Federal Ministerial Order, Critical Habitat of the Western Chorus Frog (Pseudacris triseriata) Great Lakes / St. Lawrence – Canadian Shield Population Order, issued by the Minister for Environment and Climate Change Canada. This Order states that subsection 58 (1) of the Species at Risk Act applies to the habitat of the Western Chorus Frog, which includes the majority of the St-Bruno Ranges and Training Areas. As such, managers of federal land identified as critical habitat of the Western Chorus Frog must ensure all activities comply with the habitat protection requirements of the Species at Risks Act.

The St-Bruno Ranges and Training Areas will remain closed to public access during the remainder of the divestment process. This will ensure continued compliance with the Species at Risk Act and avoid having to re-start decontamination activities following potential environmental incidents caused by public users.

As the majority of the St-Bruno Ranges and Training Areas is habitat for the Western Chorus Frog, National Defence is not currently considering selling the land for real estate development.

Open for signature
April 2, 2020, at 3:53 p.m. (EDT)
Closed for signature
July 1, 2020, at 3:53 p.m. (EDT)
Presented to the House of Commons
Stéphane Bergeron (Montarville)
October 20, 2020 (Petition No. 432-00132)
Government response tabled
December 3, 2020
Photo - Stéphane Bergeron
Bloc Québécois Caucus