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441-02517 (Animals)

Paper petition

Original language of petition: English

Petition to the Minister of National Defence


  • As part of federal defence department training exercises, over eighteen hundred piglets have been killed after being stabbed, mutilated and exposed to radiation and chemical nerve agents;

  • Inadequately sedated piglets revived during the five-hour training exercise, with one piglet "vocalizing loudly" and another "attempting to jump off the (surgical) table";

  • Since 2005, the people responsible for ensuring that these piglets did not suffer, knew that the piglets were reviving but hid the information from the government and Canadians by altering documents and concealing what actually happened;

  • According to an Abacus poll conducted in January, 2023, only 1 in 10 Canadians support the use of piglets for military trauma training; and

  • 77% of NATO nations no longer use animals for military medical training.

We, the undersigned, Citizens and Residents of Canada, call upon the Minister of National Defence to end the use of animals in military medical training.

Response by the Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defence

Signed by (Minister or Parliamentary Secretary): Marie-France Lalonde

National Defence uses advanced simulations with life-like mannequins, known as human patient simulators for the majority of its medical training. Live tissue training on an anesthetized pig is used only in circumstances where simulations alone are not feasible, as is the case of Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear training for medical providers. In these cases, simulators cannot replace the precision and experience gained with live tissue.

During live tissue training, National Defence strictly adheres to the guidelines of the Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) ( which establishes the ethical use and care of animals. Further, the use of animals is governed by Defence Administrative Orders and Directive (DAOD) 8014-0 Animal Use in Research and Training and DAOD 8014-1 Management of Animal Use in Research, Teaching and Testing.  This is in line with CCAC standards as well as assessments and certifications to ensure consistent application of the standards across Canada.  

National Defence actively seeks to refine, reduce and where appropriate replace the use of live animals for research by using alternative experimental techniques. For example, in 2022, National Defence invested approximately $129,000 in an advanced simulation mannequin or high-fidelity patient simulator, to evaluate its utility to augment medical training provided to CAF members.

The approach of using advanced simulation for the majority of training and live tissue training sparingly offers military medical trainees with the highest calibre medical training possible with the goal of providing premium medical care to CAF members and those they protect, at home or abroad.

Presented to the House of Commons
Lindsay Mathyssen (London—Fanshawe)
May 31, 2024 (Petition No. 441-02517)
Government response tabled
August 21, 2024
Photo - Lindsay Mathyssen
New Democratic Party Caucus

28 signatures

Only validated signatures are counted towards the total number of signatures.