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441-02501 (Citizenship and immigration)

Paper petition

Original language of petition: English

Petition to the Minister of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship


  • In light of the implementation of the National Security Law in Hong Kong, the Government of Canada has provided measures to assist Hong Kong residents in coming to Canada;
  • The Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has established two permanent residency pathways (Stream A & Stream B) under a temporary public policy, effective from 2021;
  • As of January 2024, over 15,500 permanent residency applications have been received for the Hong Kong Pathway, with approximately 7,500 granted, leaving over 8,000 applications in backlog, and the numbers continue to rise;
  • The backlog is primarily attributed to insufficient admission targets;
  • Due to the shortage of admission targets, the processing time has exceeded the stipulated 6.5 months, with some applicants waiting for up to a year; and
  • The backlog has resulted in children being unable to attend school, job loss, financial strain, loss of status and public health coverage, and the need for repatriation to Hong Kong.

We, the undersigned citizens and residents of Canada, call upon the Minister of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship to:

  • Acknowledge the humanitarian crisis that has occurred, as every child deserves access to education;
  • Adhere to and uphold the priority processing guidelines as outlined;
  • Create a mechanism to issue minor study permits to children, ensuring their well-being is safeguarded;
  • Create a mechanism to grant all Hong Kong Pathway applicants an IWA or BOWP to maintain their legal status in Canada until the approval of their permanent residencies; and
  • Allocate additional admission targets to the Hong Kong Pathway to effectively address the backlog.

Response by the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship

Signed by (Minister or Parliamentary Secretary): Paul Chiang, M.P.

Canada stands shoulder-to-shoulder with the people of Hong Kong and we continue to monitor the situation as they navigate the impacts of the new Article 23 national security legislation.

While Hong Kong nationals are eligible to come to or stay in Canada under many of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada’s (IRCC’s) regular temporary and permanent immigration pathways, special measures are in place in recognition of the ongoing national security situation.  Notably, this includes special measures allowing Hong Kong residents to apply for an open work permit of up to three years, and the creation of two pathways to permanent residence for Hong Kong residents already in Canada.

Interest in these pathways remains high, and, in the case of the permanent residence pathways, this has led to processing times of approximately 7.7 months at the end of April, 2024.  There is no limit or cap on the number of applications that can be submitted and, once received, applications are processed on a first in, first out basis.

To ensure applicants to the permanent residence pathways are able to maintain their status in Canada while their permanent residence application is processed, IRCC launched a new public policy on May 27, 2024, to allow those who have applied under pathways to get a new open work permit and extend their status in Canada while they wait for a decision on their permanent residence application.The policy will stay in effect for five years so that applicants can extend their temporary status in Canada. OWPs will be issued  for up to three years with the possibility of an extension.

Under this new measure, IRCC may also issue open work permits to spouses or common-law partners, and dependent children who are 18 years old at time of application. Minor children can apply for a study permit under existing study permit streams or may study without one at the pre-school, elementary or secondary level if they are already in Canada and at least one of their parents is authorized to work or study in Canada.

While there is no specific target for admissions under the Hong Kong permanent residence pathways within the Immigration Levels Plan, a certain number of permanent residence spots are reserved for humanitarian and compassionate and other reasons, which includes the Hong Kong pathways. Any admissions under the pathway fall under the ‘Humanitarian & Compassionate and Other’ category of the Immigration Levels Plan, which is set at 13,750 for 2024. The admissions targets under the H&C and Other category have seen a steady increase from 4,250 in 2019 to 5000 in 2021, and to 8250 in 2022. Final target-setting in the Immigration Levels Plan is subject to Cabinet approval each year, taking into account a range of commitments, priorities, and operational capacity.

The Government of Canada strongly prioritizes upholding human rights and the rule of law, both domestically and internationally. Canada continues to closely monitor the situation in Hong Kong.

Presented to the House of Commons
Brad Redekopp (Saskatoon West)
May 30, 2024 (Petition No. 441-02501)
Government response tabled
July 17, 2024
Photo - Brad Redekopp
Saskatoon West
Conservative Caucus

35 signatures

Only validated signatures are counted towards the total number of signatures.