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441-01149 (Social affairs and equality)

Paper petition

Original language of petition: English

Petition to the Government of Canada


  • more than four million Canadians, including one and a half million children, live in a home where the family reports struggling with food insecurity;

  • it is important to the health and development of children that they have access to healthy food, particularly in a school setting;

  • Canada is one of the few member countries of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development without a national school food program in place;

  • UNICEF's 2017 Innocenti Report Card 14 on child well-being across 41 high-income countries ranked Canada 37th on achieving Goal 2, entitled "End hunger, achieve food security and improve nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture"; and

  • the Parliament of Canada recognizes that developing a national school food program for children will require the collaboration of all provinces and territories.

We, the undersigned, citizens of Canada, request that the Government of Canada, in collaboration with the provinces, territories, municipalities and other relevant stakeholders, develop a national school nutritious food program to ensure that all children in Canada have access to healthy food in the learning environment.

Response by the Minister of Families, Children and Social Development

Signed by (Minister or Parliamentary Secretary): Ya’ara Saks

Ensuring that every child gets the best possible start in life is a priority for the Government of Canada.  In Budget 2022, the Government of Canada committed to working with provinces and territories, municipalities, Indigenous partners and stakeholders over the next year to develop a National School Food Policy and explore how more Canadian children can receive nutritious food at school. 

To inform the development of the National School Food Policy, the Government has held conversations and roundtables with diverse stakeholders from across Canada and sought the views of Canadians through an online questionnaire that was available online from November 16th to December 16th, 2022.

Engagement with stakeholders and experts has highlighted that school meal programs can play a role in increasing access to nutritious food for children, especially those from low-income and/or food insecure households. School meal programs on their own, however, are not a solution to financial hardship or food insecurity; the commitment to develop a National School Food Policy is part of a comprehensive approach to supporting children and their families that complements other investments that address poverty and food insecurity. To this effect, the Government of Canada has made significant investments through targeted social programs and income supplements to reduce poverty and increase well-being. This includes the introduction of the Canada Child Benefit, which provides substantial tax-free income support to families raising children and the implementation of a Canada-wide early learning and child care system with a significant reduction in fees. These measures support many Canadians, enabling them to decide how to spend their money, reduce their financial burdens and improve their access to essentials, including nutritious food.

Work on developing a National School Food Policy progresses and discussions with Indigenous partners, provinces and territories are ongoing.  

Presented to the House of Commons
Don Davies (Vancouver Kingsway)
February 15, 2023 (Petition No. 441-01149)
Government response tabled
March 31, 2023
Photo - Don Davies
Vancouver Kingsway
New Democratic Party Caucus
British Columbia

107 signatures

Only validated signatures are counted towards the total number of signatures.