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441-00615 (Culture and heritage)

Paper petition

Original language of petition: English

Petition to the Parliament of Canada

We, the undersigned citizens of Canada, would like to draw the attention of the House to the following:

The statue of Emily Murphy on Parliament Hill should be replaced. Emily Murphy was a racist and classist individual who should not be seen as a representation of women's suffrage or activism. She was vocal about her support of forced sterilisation and even went so far as to bring an appeal to the Alberta supreme court, resulting in over 2,800 people being sterilised against their will. There are dozens of documentations of her xenophobic viewpoints that she was not shy to share. Although Emily Murphy was instrumental in the Persons Case and allowing for women to be elected to the Senate, she should not be viewed as someone Canada is proud of. Many other Canadian women would be a much better monument of women's rights that should be explored.

Therefore, Citizens of Wellington-Halton Hills requests that parliament remove the statue of Emily Murphy on Parliament Hill to have it replaced with a Canadian woman that better upholds Canadian moral values.

Response by the Minister of Canadian Heritage

Signed by (Minister or Parliamentary Secretary): Chris Bittle

We thank the petitioners for their request regarding the removal of the statue of Emily Murphy on Parliament Hill. Canadian Heritage’s Policy on National Commemorative Monuments on Federal Lands in Canada’s Capital Region states that where commemoration projects involve federal lands for which Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) is responsible, the location, theme and design of a monument should align with the long-term plans and vision of PSPC. Further questions on this matter should be raised with the Speaker of the House of Commons and the Speaker of the Senate. It should be noted that the statue was relocated to Plaza Bridge in 2019 for the duration of the Centre Block rehabilitation on Parliament Hill.  

Presented to the House of Commons
Michael Chong (Wellington—Halton Hills)
June 20, 2022 (Petition No. 441-00615)
Government response tabled
September 20, 2022
Photo - Michael Chong
Wellington—Halton Hills
Conservative Caucus

26 signatures

Only validated signatures are counted towards the total number of signatures.