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432-00598 (Taxation)

Paper petition

Original language of petition: English

Petition to the House of Commons

We, the undersigned citizens of Canada, draw the attention of the House of Commons to the following:

Whereas, the Liberal carbon tax makes life more expensive for millions of Canadians across the country. As a tax on everything the carbon tax will mean Canadians will pay more for groceries, home heating and gasoline.

Whereas, the Liberal carbon tax negatively affects important Canadian industries, including agriculture and the energy industry that employ hundreds of thousands of Canadians.

Whereas, we need the energy industry and agriculture to drive our economic recovery and to paydown our massive debt load while protecting core services.

Whereas, the newly announced carbon tax hike will raise the carbon tax to federal carbon tax to $170 a tonne, increasing the price you pay at the pump by at least 37.57 cents a litre.

Whereas, in the last election — only a year ago the Liberals promised not to raise the carbon tax.

Whereas, the Alberta Court of Appeal ruled the federal carbon tax was unconstitutional and it is currently before the Supreme Court.

Therefore we, the undersigned, call on the House of Commons to end the federal carbon tax.

Response by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change

Signed by (Minister or Parliamentary Secretary): The Honourable JONATHAN WILKINSON

Carbon pricing is about recognizing the cost of pollution and accounting for those costs in daily decisions. Putting a price on pollution is widely recognized as the most efficient means to drive innovation and energy efficiency in order to reduce emissions.

Canada’s approach is flexible, allowing any province or territory to design its own pricing system tailored to local needs, or to choose the federal pricing system. The federal government sets minimum national stringency standards that all systems must meet to ensure that they are comparable and contribute their fair share to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

The federal carbon pollution pricing system applies in any jurisdiction that requests it or that does not implement its own system that meets these national stringency standards. The federal system has two parts: a charge on fossil fuels and an output-based pricing system for industrial facilities.

In December 2020, the Government of Canada published A Healthy Environment and a Healthy Economy, Canada’s strengthened climate plan of federal policies, programs and $15 billion in investments to build a stronger, cleaner, more resilient and inclusive economy. Once fully implemented, A Healthy Environment and a Healthy Economy will enable Canada to exceed its current 2030 greenhouse gas reduction target.

Under A Healthy Environment and a Healthy Economy, the Government proposes to continue putting a price on pollution, rising through to 2030, while ensuring that the majority of households receive more money back than they pay in the jurisdictions where the federal backstop applies. Returning proceeds helps make carbon pricing affordable, and enables households to make investments to increase energy efficiency and further reduce emissions. The increasing price will make cleaner options more affordable and discourage pollution-intensive investments. A longer price trajectory will also allow businesses and individuals to plan ahead, providing predictability for longer-term investments and growing the market for cleaner solutions in Canada. The Government is engaging with provinces and territories, as well as with Indigenous organizations, on the proposed price on pollution post-2023.

As part of this next phase of carbon pricing, the government also plans to review the standards it uses to assess provincial systems, known as the federal ‘benchmark.’ Strengthening these standards will help Canada meet its climate goals while allowing provinces and territories to choose the pricing systems that work best for them. Over the coming months, the federal government will work closely with provinces and territories on how best to strengthen the benchmark.

The proposed Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act, introduced in Parliament on November 19, 2020, will also formalize Canada’s target to achieve net-zero emissions by the year 2050, and establish a series of interim emissions reduction targets at 5-year milestones toward that goal. It will also require a series of plans and reports to support accountability and transparency, and help ensure that Canada reaches all of its milestones on the way towards 2050.

Over the upcoming months, the Government of Canada will work with partners to ensure a strong, workable plan that can be designed and delivered. The Government of Canada is committed to working together with provinces, territories, and Indigenous communities, and other stakeholders in order to exceed Canada’s 2030 climate target and achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.


Presented to the House of Commons
Kerry Diotte (Edmonton Griesbach)
February 26, 2021 (Petition No. 432-00598)
Government response tabled
April 12, 2021
Photo - Kerry Diotte
Edmonton Griesbach
Conservative Caucus

25 signatures

Only validated signatures are counted towards the total number of signatures.