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431-00250 (Foreign affairs)

Paper petition

Original language of petition: English

Petition to the House of Commons

Whereas the recent Presidential election in Guyana has raised serious concerns related to electoral irregularities in ballot counting which has been noted by international observers and the reported vote results are being called into question;

Whereas U.S.A. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo and Canada Deputy Prime Minister, Chrystia Freeland shared concerns related to the election;

Whereas Canada can and should promote electoral fairness as both Guyana and Canada are a part of the Commonwealth;

Whereas Canada has played a leadership role in other similar situations.

We, the undersigned, residents of Canada, call upon the House of Commons in Ottawa to closely monitor what is happening in Guyana and where it can promote democratic freedom in Guyana.

Response by the Minister of Foreign Affairs

Signed by (Minister or Parliamentary Secretary): The Honourable François-Philippe Champagne

Canada strongly regrets the extended delay in declaring election results in Guyana, a delay that has now lasted more than four months since elections were held on March 2, 2020. The Government of Canada is committed to supporting free and fair elections in Guyana and has taken a leadership role in providing financial and technical support to promote a free and fair election, and has worked closely with partners in the region to advocate for its credible and transparent conclusion.

In the lead up to Guyana’s general election on March 2,2020, the Government of Canada facilitated expert advice and support to the Chair of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) through the provision of technical assistance from former Canadian Chief Elections Officer, Jean Pierre Kingsley. Canada has sought to ensure free and fair elections by providing financial support to the Carter Centre to oversee and monitor the elections. To ensure independent monitoring of the mandated recount recounting of ballots, Canada funded a high-level Caribbean Community (CARICOM) team to observe Guyana’s 33-day recount. This resulted in the CARICOM team’s June 16, 2020 report to GECOM and CARICOM Heads of State confirming that the results of the recount are valid and should be used to declare the winner of the national elections. Canada supports calls by the Organization of American States, CARICOM, the Commonwealth, the Caribbean Court of Justice and civil society organizations to announce the results based on the national recount, as validated by the CARICOM observer mission.

Canada has also worked in close cooperation with other members of the international community to advocate for the transparent and credible conclusion of the electoral process. Through Canada’s High Commission to Guyana, Canada has issued a number of joint statements with the United States, United Kingdom and the European Union, pressing for a transparent process and a credible outcome. Seven joint statements have been released since the March 2, 2020 elections, including on June 23, 2020; June 5, 2020; May 6, 2020; March 13, 2020; March 11 2020; March 6, 2020; and March 5, 2020. Canada also issued a statement on July, 15, 2020, calling for a swift and transparent conclusion to the Guyanese election process.

The Government of Canada remains engaged and committed to collaborating with international community to ensure that electoral results are transparent, credible and respect the will of Guyanese people.

Presented to the House of Commons
Kevin Lamoureux (Winnipeg North)
June 10, 2020 (Petition No. 431-00250)
Government response tabled
September 24, 2020
Photo - Kevin Lamoureux
Winnipeg North
Liberal Caucus

27 signatures

Only validated signatures are counted towards the total number of signatures.