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Petition to the Government of Canada

  • According to the UN Special Report on “contemporary forms of slavery, including its causes and consequences” written by Special Rapporteur Tomoya Obokata, some migrant workers in Canada are experiencing physical abuse, wage theft, lack of adequate PPE, lack of affordable health care, threats of deportation for asserting their rights, overcrowded and undignified housing, debt bondage, lack of measures to report abuses without risk of losing their status, and inter-jurisdictional neglect;
  • People living in Canada as migrant workers are irreplaceable members of our community, friends, neighbours and loved ones who deserve access to working conditions free of abuse and discrimination as outlined in the Canadian Human Rights Act; and
  • Often, migrant workers are essential workers who put food on our tables, keep our communities clean, deliver goods, and nurse us back to health when we are ill and yet we are failing to ensure they have the same care and security.
We, the undersigned, residents and citizens of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to enact the recommendations set out in the United Nations Human Rights Council Special Report on “contemporary forms of slavering, including its causes and consequences” written by Tomoya Obokata in 2024 to address the situation of migrant workers in Canada.

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