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e-896 (Border crossings)

Petition to the House of Commons

  • The preamble of the Preclearance Act of 1999 and Bill C-23, states, "that the administration of any provision of American law in Canada is subject to Canadian law, including the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Canadian Bill of Rights and the Canadian Human Rights Act;"
  • Changes in U.S. policy have resulted in multiple documented cases of Charter and other human rights violations, such as profiling based on religion, country of origin, and forced disclosure of passwords and social media accounts; and
  • Bill C-23 provides insufficient protections against, and recourse upon violations of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Canadian Bill of Rights and the Canadian Human Rights Act.
We, the undersigned, citizens and residents of Canada, call upon the House of Commons to amend Bill C-23 to include the following protections:
1. To allow anyone who believes their Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Canadian Bill of Rights and Canadian Human Rights are being violated to withdraw from the Preclearance area or perimeter with no further questioning or detention;
2. To prohibit the forcible disclosure of online accounts and passwords, as these do not constitute goods or documents on the person of the traveller that is subject to the act;
3. To emphasize that the Preclearance Act shall not infringe on any rights or freedoms recognized by the Royal Proclamation of October 7, 1763; rights or freedoms that now exist by way of land claims agreements or may be so acquired; and any existing aboriginal and treaty rights of the aboriginal peoples of Canada.
Open for signature
April 3, 2017, at 3:27 p.m. (EDT)
Closed for signature
August 1, 2017, at 3:27 p.m. (EDT)
Photo - Matthew Dubé
New Democratic Party Caucus