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e-702 (Health care facility)

Initiated by Laura Tupper from Kars, Ontario

Original language of petition: English

Petition to the House of Commons

  • The current Ottawa Hospital Civic Campus is 92 years-old and in need of a new location;
  • Starting in 2007, an expert panel conducted a thorough and methodical search of 12 possible sites for the new Ottawa Hospital Civic Campus, and the federal land directly acroos the street from the current Civic Campus scored the highest in this analysis;
  • Tunney's Pasture scored sixth in this same analysis;
  • Tunney's Pasture scored lower in two separate analyses on essential criteria like land area use, land access, proximity to Highway 417, future expansion prospects, and land preparation;
  • The City of Ottawa is expanding west and south, and therefore it does not make sense to move the Civic Campus, which is the trauma centre for eastern Ontario, further north;
  • Locating a hospital at Tunney's Pasture will displace thousands of public servants, require the demolition of at least six buildings at substantial cost, and delay the opening of the new hospital for up to 20 years; and
  • Ottawa residents deserve a modern hospital that is accessible, centrally-located, and free from federal government interference;
We, the undersigned, citizens of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to stop interfering in the selection of the best location for the new Civic Campus and allow it to be built on the federal land across the street from the existing Civic Campus
Open for signature
November 30, 2016, at 2:47 p.m. (EDT)
Closed for signature
March 30, 2017, at 2:47 p.m. (EDT)
Photo - Pierre Poilievre
Conservative Caucus