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e-4191 (Foreign affairs)

Initiated by Faheem Affan from Maple, Ontario

Original language of petition: English

Petition to the House of Commons

  • Ahmadi Muslims in Pakistan have effectively been denied the right to vote and essentially have been disenfranchised from the full and equal participation of a citizen’s democratic right to vote because of their faith and belief;
  • To register as voters, Ahmadis must either renounce their faith or agree to be placed in a separate electoral list and accept their status as non-Muslim in contravention of their religious freedom rights; and
  • Through Section 48A of the Pakistan Elections Act of 2017, Ahmadis must renounce their faith to be included in any voters list.
We, the undersigned, citizens and residents of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to:
1. Urge the Pakistani government to immediately repeal Section 48A of the Elections Act and permit Ahmadi Muslims to vote alongside all other citizens of Pakistan as part of a joint electorate; and
2. Urge the Pakistani government to create fair and democratic election process for all Pakistanis without any discrimination or prejudice or mention of anyone’s religion.
Open for signature
November 9, 2022, at 10:33 a.m. (EDT)
Closed for signature
December 9, 2022, at 10:33 a.m. (EDT)
Photo - Melissa Lantsman
Conservative Caucus