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e-4172 (Public safety)

Initiated by Tsz Lok Chan from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Original language of petition: English

Petition to the Minister of Public Safety

  • In a report published by Safeguard Defenders it was alleged that Chinese police operate three extrajudicial police stations in Toronto, Ontario;
  • In the last year, some 230,000 Chinese citizens were persuaded to return to China for alleged crimes;
  • Extrajudicial police stations violate international law and undermine Canada’s sovereignty; and
  • Such operations threaten public safety and threaten fundamental freedoms enjoyed on Canadian soil.
We, the undersigned, citizens and residents of Canada, call upon the Minister of Public Safety to:
1. Direct the RCMP and CSIS to investigate these operations and if found to be contrary to Canadian law or international law, order the immediate shutdown of the operation and expulsion of related personnel from Canada. Those without immunity should be investigated whether their action contravenes Canadian law and thereby convicted under Canadian law;
2. Protect Canada’s sovereignty and take action when a foreign government undermines it; and
3. Be proactive in protecting public safety, including dissenters and freedom fighters that are targeted by foreign regimes on Canadian soil. Measures such as Foreign Agent Registry should be implemented to combat malign foreign interferences.

Response by the Minister of Public Safety

Signed by (Minister or Parliamentary Secretary): Pam Damoff, M.P.

Our government is aware that some foreign governments have attempted to interfere not just in our democracy, but in our country in general, whether it’s our institutions, our businesses, our research facilities, or in the daily lives of our citizens. This is not a new problem, and not unique to Canada. We share your concern about being proactive in addressing this threat and since 2015, following a lack of action by previous governments, we have taken concrete steps to address this ever-evolving phenomenon.

In recent years, Canada has seen an increase in the frequency and sophistication of foreign interference including by the People’s Republic of China (PRC), the Russian Federation, the Islamic Republic of Iran and others seeking to advance their political, economic and security interests to the detriment of Canada’s own interests. Foreign interference can include harassment and intimidation of Canadian communities, as well as malicious cyber activities, disinformation campaigns, and other disruptive actions.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) responds to criminal threats stemming from foreign interference where there is concrete and solid evidence. In relation to the allegations of overseas police stations allegedly affiliated with the PRC, the RCMP has taken a number of steps, including a visible presence at these locations; translating news releases in order to reach a broader audience; and continuing to urge anyone who believes they have been threatened, in person or online, to contact them. The nature of the ongoing investigation is such that no additional information can be shared at this time.

Additionally, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) investigates threats which may, on reasonable grounds, be suspected of posing a threat to the security of Canada. This includes foreign influenced activities within or relating to Canada that are detrimental to the interests of Canada and are clandestine or deceptive or involve a threat to any person. CSIS may take measures to reduce threats to the security of Canada in accordance with well-defined legal requirements and Ministerial direction. CSIS also delivers briefings to protect against foreign interference threats, with the aim of promoting awareness of foreign interference and strengthening security practices.

Our security and intelligence agencies are using all available tools to combat this threat, and are considering new measures to keep Canada’s national security apparatus nimble and responsive to new and evolving threats. Recently, we have taken several steps to improve our capacity and increase transparency with Canadians on the threat of foreign interference. We are also. We announced the creation of a new national counter foreign interference coordinator within Public Safety Canada. We announced a $48.9 million investment for the RCMP to protect Canadians against harassment and intimidation from foreign actors and we announced the launch of public consultations to inform the creation and implementation of a foreign influence transparency registry in Canada.  

Our security and intelligence agencies are working tirelessly to combat the threat of foreign interference, and will use the full extent of their mandates to respond to these evolving threats.

Open for signature
November 16, 2022, at 2:23 p.m. (EDT)
Closed for signature
January 15, 2023, at 2:23 p.m. (EDT)
Presented to the House of Commons
Melissa Lantsman (Thornhill)
March 20, 2023 (Petition No. 441-01184)
Government response tabled
May 3, 2023
Photo - Melissa Lantsman
Conservative Caucus