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e-3838 (Taxation)

Initiated by Frederic Boudreault from Baie-Comeau, Quebec

Original language of petition: French

Petition to Minister of National Revenue

  • Tax returns are still required to obtain various government benefits for low-income people;
  • The Canada Revenue Agency already has the information related to people’s incomes that is used to calculate government benefits;
  • Hundreds of thousands of low-income people use tax clinics each year;
  • Tax clinics rely on the participation of community organizations which do not have a mission to do so, and which do not receive any real financial support to provide this service;
  • Organizations cannot ask for even a small contribution from users since the service must be free; and
  • The constant introduction of additional constraints undermines the service provided by community organizations.
We, the undersigned, residents of the Province of Quebec, call upon the Minister of National Revenue to:
1. Significantly simplify tax returns for people living solely on government benefits; and
2. Continue to provide these benefits even if returns are not filed and to adequately support community organizations that run tax clinics.
Open for signature
February 20, 2022, at 3:12 p.m. (EDT)
Closed for signature
May 21, 2022, at 3:12 p.m. (EDT)
Photo - Jean-Denis Garon
Bloc Québécois Caucus