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e-3787 (Health)

Initiated by Gabriela Primeau from Laval, Quebec

Original language of petition: English

Petition to the Minister of Health

  • In Canada, many medications available on the market are not adapted for children, as manufacturers primarily produce adult formulations, which do not take into consideration the differences in children’s size, development, physical condition and metabolism;
  • When commercialized pediatric formulations are not available for children, adult forms need to be modified to suit the dosing needs of children, a process known as compounding (this includes crushing a tablet, opening a capsule, or dissolving the medication in liquid);
  • Compounded medications fall outside of regulatory approval, creating risk of dosage error when administered to children;
  • Pediatric formulations are adapted to the specific needs of children and are optimal for their treatment;
  • Using safe and effective commercialized formulations is strongly preferred by healthcare workers, pharmacists, parents and patients;
  • The main reasons why pediatric formulations are not developed in Canada are economic: markets for pediatric drugs are relatively small, and there are no commercial incentive and little regulatory protection granted to bring commercialized formulations to Canada; and
  • Safe and effective solutions exist in Europe and the United States, as these governments have adopted regulatory policies and financial incentives, which reduce obstacles for the pharmaceutical industry to develop pediatric formulations.
We, the undersigned, citizens and residents of Canada, call upon the Minister of Health to waive Health Canada submission fees for pediatric formulations to encourage the research and development of medicines for children.

Response by the Minister of Health

Signed by (Minister or Parliamentary Secretary): Adam van Koeverden

As the federal drug regulator, Health Canada assesses and monitors the safety, quality, and efficacy of drugs made available to people in Canada. To support this work, Health Canada charges industry fees to cover a portion of the costs of its regulatory services, which is consistent with international practices. These fees represent only a small portion of the costs of bringing a drug to the market.

Improving access to medications for children in Canada is a global and multi-faceted issue. Health Canada has been analyzing ways to encourage companies to submit pediatric data on health products to Canada. In 2020, it established the Pediatric Drug Action Plan (PDAP), with the goal of improving children’s access to safe and effective health products. The PDAP focuses on three main areas: increasing the development of pediatric medicines and formulations; improving access to pediatric medicines and formulations; and, providing more information to Canadians.

To address the goals of the PDAP, Health Canada is working across government departments and with external national and global partners on key initiatives. Full implementation of the plan will take a number of years; however, several initiatives are currently underway. For example, the Department is in the process of developing pediatric provisions (regulations) similar to those that exist in other jurisdictions such as Europe and the United States, which will compel the submission of pediatric information to the regulator. This is expected to increase approvals of pediatric indications, and their corresponding formulations in Canada. Health Canada is aiming to implement the pediatric provisions in policy to encourage industry to submit pediatric information to Canada in early 2023 while continuing work towards implementing amendments in regulations.

Health Canada is also examining incentive-based tools to determine if any new incentives should be explored to help increase the availability of medications for Canadian children. Any new tools developed through this initiative will complement the existing incentive in Canada’s Food and Drug Regulations that confers an additional six months of data protection for innovative drug manufacturers who submit results from clinical trials for the purpose of increasing knowledge about the use of their product in pediatric populations. Health Canada is also currently working with pediatric stakeholders across Canada to develop a National Priority List of pediatric products that are urgently needed in Canada. As part of this process, Health Canada will identify the regulatory pathways and flexibilities that can be offered to bring these products to Canada, and will work with industry to bring those products to Canada once the priority list is consulted upon and posted publically (expected by early 2023).

Open for signature
January 26, 2022, at 4:07 p.m. (EDT)
Closed for signature
May 26, 2022, at 4:07 p.m. (EDT)
Presented to the House of Commons
Chris d'Entremont (West Nova)
June 14, 2022 (Petition No. 441-00574)
Government response tabled
September 20, 2022
Photo - Chris d'Entremont
West Nova
Conservative Caucus
Nova Scotia