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e-1223 (Health care services)

Initiated by Meera GILL from Surrey, British Columbia

Original language of petition: English

Petition to the Government of Canada

  • We have had 5 shootings in the past 7 days, and many dozens in the past three years;
  • Lack of support and accountability in and around our schools coupled with the ineffectiveness of the social programs have left a generation without proper attention, support, guidance or direction;
  • By end of June, drug overdoses have claimed 780 victims; and
  • We have 4000 homeless in Metro Vancouver and mental illness is on a drastic increase.
We, the undersigned, Residents of the Lower Mainland Region, call upon the Government of Canada to initiate an emergency intervention to bring peace, order and pride to the region, looking at the evidence-based models from around the world (i.e. Portugal’s proactive and humane approach to drug users). We request a compassionate and corrective approach instead of indifference and punitive enforcement and judicial governance. We ask for the collaborative and harmonized efforts by the three levels of government to address the current deficiencies of our systems by providing: (a) a publicly funded-mental wellness care for youth and parents that involves schools, government, non-government organizations and communities as equal partners; (b) practical and employable education and learning supports for all graduating youth with the extra focus on youth at-risk; and (c) social assistance programs and policies that conclude increased social integration of the marginalized groups. We ask for a “real change”. We all will fully participate in preserving the peace and harmony of our region.
Open for signature
August 14, 2017, at 2:56 p.m. (EDT)
Closed for signature
December 12, 2017, at 2:56 p.m. (EDT)
Photo - Ken Hardie
Fleetwood—Port Kells
Liberal Caucus
British Columbia