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441-02695 (Foreign affairs)

Petition to the Government of Canada


The conflict in the Middle East, which has killed tens of thousands and displaced hundreds of thousands of innocent Palestinians, has expanded into Lebanon;

Israel's strikes on Lebanon have killed hundreds of people and injured and displaced thousands since September 23;

Canada has called for a ceasefire in Gaza, and now also in Lebanon;

Canada is providing $10 million in funding for humanitarian assistance via the UN Central Emergency Response Fund, of which Canada is already a large contributor, to address the urgent needs of civilians in Lebanon. This funding will help provide food, water, and emergency healthcare;

Canada has urged all Canadians in Lebanon to return home and is assisting them in securing commercial flights;

Canada was a leading voice 67 years ago in advocating for action, in the words of Lester Pearson "not only to end the fighting but to make peace"; and

In 1978, under Prime Minister Trudeau, Canada acted as a peacekeeper and participated in the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. The mission's goal was to confirm the withdrawal of Israeli forces from southern Lebanon, restore international peace and security, and assist the Government of Lebanon in re-establishing its authority in the region.

Therefore: we, the undersigned citizens of Canada, call upon the government of Canada to:

Continue calling for an immediate ceasefire in Lebanon and across the region;

Continue to provide humanitarian aid and through the UN Central Emergency Response Fund;

Continue supporting the evacuation of Canadian citizens and their families;

Create a transparent temporary resident permit program for Lebanese citizens; and

Lead a peacekeeping mission to help maintain peace, rebuild the economy and infrastructure, and promote safety and security for the Lebanese people.

Presented to the House of Commons
George Chahal (Calgary Skyview)
October 10, 2024 (Petition No. 441-02695)
Photo - George Chahal
Calgary Skyview
Liberal Caucus

33 signatures

Only validated signatures are counted towards the total number of signatures.