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441-02385 (Transportation)

Paper petition

Original language of petition: English



  • Transport Canada must address the ongoing aircraft-induced noise pollution by exercising their authority and implementing necessary actions in the Humber River-Black Creek community;

  • It is concerning that NAV Canada has not proposed any mitigation strategies, such as curfews, to shield our neighborhoods from excessive nocturnal noise disturbances;

  • We firmly believe that environmental responsibility extends to addressing both air pollution and the adverse effects of noise on our well-being;

  • When noise exceeds acceptable limits, it poses a significant threat to our well-being and safety; and

  • It is crucial for Transport Canada to recognize this and take appropriate measures to safeguard our community members' health and safety.

THEREFORE: We, the undersigned residents of the Humber River-Black Creek community, call upon the government of Canada to:

  • Promptly assess nighttime noise pollution caused by aircraft activities in our community;

  • Collaborate with NAV Canada to develop effective mitigation strategies, considering curfews and other noise reduction measures;

  • Establish and enforce noise level regulations, ensuring emissions remain within acceptable limits;

  • Conduct regular monitoring to ensure compliance with regulations; and

  • Engage in transparent communication with the Humber River-Black Creek community, keeping us informed about progress and future plans.

Response by the Minister of Transport

Signed by (Minister or Parliamentary Secretary): The Honourable Pablo Rodriguez

Transport Canada (TC) focuses on the safety and security of the aviation system in Canada. Through the development and administration of policies, regulations and programs, the Department strives to work with partners and stakeholders to achieve an efficient, effective and environmentally responsible transportation system. 

As the safety regulator for the civil aviation system in Canada, TC’s purview remains with matters essential or integral to aeronautics, which is exercised through the Aeronautics Act and the Canadian Aviation Regulations. Accordingly, aircraft noise pollution and mitigation strategies fall beyond TC’s mandate and jurisdictional authority. 

TC does not engage in the daily operations or business decisions of airports. These responsibilities are managed by the airport authority, the Greater Toronto Airports Authority (GTAA).  

Regarding flight paths and individual routings, TC’s involvement remains with ensuring the designs adhere to the appropriate regulations and standards. These decisions and responsibilities are managed by NAV CANADA. 

TC encourages residents of the Humber River-Black Creek community to work directly with the GTAA and NAV CANADA through constructive dialogue to discuss these concerns in hopes of achieving a favorable resolution for all parties. 


Presented to the House of Commons
Judy A. Sgro (Humber River—Black Creek)
April 18, 2024 (Petition No. 441-02385)
Government response tabled
May 28, 2024
Photo - Judy A. Sgro
Humber River—Black Creek
Liberal Caucus

40 signatures

Only validated signatures are counted towards the total number of signatures.