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441-01819 (Environment)

Paper petition

Original language of petition: English

Petition to the House of Commons in Parliament assembled, the Member of Parliament for Haldimand-Norfolk, the Minister of Transport and the Minister of Environment and Climate Change


Our quality and tranquility of life and enjoyment of our property has been taken from us due to Skydive Ontario and CAF2, Cayuga East Aerodrome;

The excessive noise of multiple aircraft, screaming parachutists, as well as unsafe operations and trespassing issues by the parachutists have robbed us of our right to enjoy/use our properties, as it would be expected in this area;

There is an increase in exhaust fumes from the aircraft and an increased risk of lead contamination from the leaded avgas used in these aircraft; and

This operation has no place in an area zoned as "Protected Agricultural Wetlands" and in close proximity to several wetland restoration projects.

Therefore, we, the undersigned citizens of Canada, call upon the House of Commons in Parliament assembled, the Member of Parliament for Haldimand-Norfolk, the Minister of Transport and the Minister of Environment and Climate Change to have this operation closed down, not only for the safety and well-being of the residents, but to preserve the natural environment that we all once enjoyed.

Response by the Minister of Transport

Signed by (Minister or Parliamentary Secretary): The Honourable Pablo Rodriguez

Transport Canada is aware of the business operations of Skydive Ontario, based at the Cayuga East Aerodrome (CAF2) and the impacts on the surrounding community. 

A history of complaints has been submitted to the Department regarding Skydive Ontario, including issues such as: noise; unsafe flying; low flying; flying in clouds; flying at night; firearms use; wildlife management; the construction of a hangar; lead pollution; etc. To date, there have been no regulatory non-conformities identified by Transport Canada officials. Additionally, departmental officials have maintained a dialogue with the operator to advise of the community concerns and have been informed of accommodations made in an attempt to address some of the issues. 

One of the mitigation strategies to address noise and low flying includes the implementation of their Noise Program, which includes varied departure and arrival paths, along with minimized power during approaches. While the Department understands this is a difficult issue experienced by the community, Transport Canada’s experience shows that these matters are most effectively addressed at the local community level, and it is recommended that the community and the air operator engage in constructive dialogue to work towards a feasible solution. Complaints regarding trespassing on private property should be directed to the local law enforcement agencies by the residents. 

As the safety regulator for aviation in Canada, Transport Canada exercises its authority through the Aeronautics Act and the Canadian Aviation Regulations. Accordingly, within the Department’s jurisdictional authority, various surveillance activities have been conducted to follow-up on the reports provided by the community, and no regulatory non-conformities have been identified. 


Presented to the House of Commons
Leslyn Lewis (Haldimand—Norfolk)
October 24, 2023 (Petition No. 441-01819)
Government response tabled
December 7, 2023
Photo - Leslyn Lewis
Conservative Caucus

213 signatures

Only validated signatures are counted towards the total number of signatures.