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441-01523 (Foreign affairs)

Paper petition

Original language of petition: English

Petition to the House of Commons in Parliament Assembled

We, the undersigned, citizens and residents of Canada, draw the attention of the House to the following:


  • Various media outlets reported that the Communist Party of China (CCP) took efforts to interfere in Canada's federal elections;

  • Classified reports from the CSIS claim that a former CCP consular official in Canada celebrated and took credit for the defeat of two parliamentarians;

  • The Prime Minister's National Security Adviser, Jody Thomas, informed MPs that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was routinely briefed about election interference attempts by Beijing;

  • The Trudeau Foundation board of directors and CEO have resigned after a $200,000 donation from a businessman linked to the CCP was made to the organization;

  • The parliamentary committee investigating foreign interference voted to establish a public inquiry into foreign interference;

  • The Liberal government continues to block the creation of a public inquiry and denying its immediate necessity;

  • The Special Rapporteur appointed by the Prime Minister is in a hopeless conflict of interest having served as a member of the Trudeau Foundation, and is a personal friend of the Prime Minister;

  • The CCP engages in relationships with Canada as a strategic adversary such as hostage diplomacy with the unjust jailing of Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig;

  • The CCP has used this adversarial stance to conduct economic warfare on Canadian exports like agricultural products of grain and oil seeds that puts Canadian producers at risk; and

  • Canadians deserve democratic institutions they can trust that serve Canadians, and without interference from foreign agents.

We, the undersigned, citizens and residents of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to:

conduct a full open, independent, public inquiry into Beijing's election interference to give Canadians the transparency they need in order to restore the trust in Canada's civic and parliamentary institutions.

Response by the Prime Minister of Canada

Signed by (Minister or Parliamentary Secretary): Jennifer O'Connell

The Government of Canada takes very seriously all allegations of foreign interference in electoral processes and is committed to the continuous strengthening of Canada’s democratic institutions and their protection from foreign interference. This is why the Prime Minister tasked the Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructure and Communities, with leading consultations on what an upcoming process to shed light on the matter of foreign interference in Canadian elections could look like, and to determine who may best be suited to lead this public work. Canadians can rest assured that this is a priority of the Government of Canada and that the selected process will correspond to their needs and to the sensitivity of the intelligence.

The Government of Canada also continues to reinforce its efforts to counter any form of foreign interference in our electoral processes and to strengthen trust in Canada’s democratic institutions.  On March 6, 2023, the Prime Minister of Canada announced measures to further this objective. This included the establishment of a National Counter Foreign Interference Coordinator at Public Safety Canada to coordinate efforts to combat foreign interference; the development of a plan to address  recommendations from the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP) and from the independent assessments of the Critical Election Incident Public Protocol by Mr. Morris Rosenberg and Mr. James Judd, and the investment of $5.5 million to strengthen the capacity of civil society partners to counter disinformation.

Following the Prime Minister’s announcements, the Government released its report, Countering an evolving threat: Update on recommendations to counter foreign interference in Canada’s democratic institutions, which outlines the recommendations made in the reports to protect Canadian democratic institutions and processes; summarizes the actions that have been taken or are in progress to address the recommendations; and proposes further steps for consideration to bolster Canada’s response to foreign interference threats.

The Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructures and Communities has also announced additional details with regards to the $5.5 million investment to strengthen defences against online disinformation.

These efforts demonstrate the Government of Canada’s continued efforts to protect our democratic institutions, including our electoral processes, from any possible threats.

Additionally, both NSICOP and the National Security and Intelligence Review Agency (NSIRA) have indicated their intention to undertake reviews with regards to foreign interference and in accordance with their mandates. NSICOP has announced it will launch a review of foreign interference in Canada’s federal democratic processes pursuant to section 8(1)(a) of the NSICOP Act, and NSIRA has announced it will a review of the production and dissemination of intelligence on foreign interference with respect to the 43rd and 44th federal elections. The Government’s next steps will be taken in close consideration of the findings and recommendations of both bodies. 

Finally, when they are well informed and engaged, Canadians can be the best line of defence in our efforts to fight foreign interference in our democratic processes. As such, I wish to thank you for this petition, which I see as a clear commitment to democracy. Indeed, petitions are a direct form of democratic participation and contribute to the dialogue between citizens and their elected decision-makers.

Presented to the House of Commons
Tom Kmiec (Calgary Shepard)
June 9, 2023 (Petition No. 441-01523)
Government response tabled
August 16, 2023
Photo - Tom Kmiec
Calgary Shepard
Conservative Caucus

27 signatures

Only validated signatures are counted towards the total number of signatures.