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441-01199 (Environment)

Paper petition

Original language of petition: French

Petition to the House of Commons


1. Gatineau Park is one of the most visited parks in Canada;

2. Gatineau Park is home to about 90 endangered plant and 50 endangered animal species;

3. The boundaries of Gatineau Park are not recognized in Canadian law; and

4. Sections of the park can be removed from the park and sold without parliamentary review or approval.

We, the undersigned residents of Canada, call upon the House of Commons to adopt legislation giving Gatineau Park the necessary legal protection to ensure its preservation for future generations.

Response by the Minister of Public Services and Procurement

Signed by (Minister or Parliamentary Secretary): Anthony Housefather

Gatineau Park is the National Capital Region’s largest and most popular green space. The Park’s varied ecosystems are rich in biodiversity, providing a habitat for over 5,000 species, including rare species found nowhere else in the region, and over 150 species at risk.

The National Capital Commission’s (NCC’s) Gatineau Park Master Plan, adopted by the its Board of Directors in January 2021, is a foundational planning document that outlines a comprehensive vision for managing Gatineau Park on a long-term horizon and guiding its planning, use, and management. The Master Plan was the product of a three-year, phased process that included extensive online and in-person consultations, as well as multiple engagements with a public advisory committee, representatives of the Algonquin Nation, local municipalities, elected officials, and stakeholders throughout the National Capital Region. It is structured around four key objectives: (1) conserving nature, (2) providing recreational and cultural experiences in nature, (3) promoting equitable and sustainable access, and (4) fostering engagement and collaboration.

Gatineau Park encompasses an area of 36,100 hectares. As part of its conservation mandate the NCC has a policy of acquiring private property in the Park whenever possible, with a view to further consolidating the Park under NCC ownership. In 2008, 600 hectares were under private ownership. Since then, the NCC has acquired 235 hectares, with only 365 hectares of private property remaining in the Park. The NCC continues to actively pursue acquisition of private properties.

Land owned by the NCC within Gatineau Park is federal public land and therefore subject to federal legislation, including that relating to conservation and environmental protection. Compliance with these laws is paramount in the NCC’s decisions regarding the Park’s use and management.

The results of this emphasis on conservation in Gatineau Park have been positive. The 2016-17 Status Report on Gatineau Park Ecosystems found that the overall condition of the Park is “good”, and that this condition remains stable.

The Government of Canada recognizes the importance of Gatineau Park to the National Capital Region and Canadians. The Government will continue to support the NCC’s efforts to protect a critical jewel of the region.

Presented to the House of Commons
Sophie Chatel (Pontiac)
March 27, 2023 (Petition No. 441-01199)
Government response tabled
May 10, 2023
Photo - Sophie Chatel
Liberal Caucus

588 signatures

Only validated signatures are counted towards the total number of signatures.