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441-00810 (Civil and human rights)

Paper petition

Original language of petition: English


We, the undersigned citizens and residents of Canada, draw the attention of the House of Commons to the following:


  • A review conducted by the National Advisory Committee on Immunization found no information regarding the transmission of COVID-19 on airplanes;

  • According to Westjet's first Chief Medical Officer. Dr. Tammy McKnight, as of April 23, 2021, there had been no known case of COVID19 transmission onboard any Canadian aircraft;

  • An International Air Transport Association study in 2020 found that out of 1.2 billion passengers worldwide, only 44 cases of COVID-19 were reported as flight-related transmission;

  • Countries around the world have removed their vaccine mandates and restrictions; and

  • The vaccine mandate imposed on Canadians taking domestic flights, trains and ferries is an unreasonable infringement of their rights and freedoms that cannot be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.

Therefore we, the undersigned, citizens and residents of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada and the Minister of Transport to:

1) Abolish the domestic vaccine passport requirement for Canadian citizens and permanent residents taking domestic flights; and

2) End all federally regulated COVID-19 vaccine mandates and restrictions.

Response by the Minister of Transport

Signed by (Minister or Parliamentary Secretary): The Honourable Omar Alghabra

In recognition of the critical nature of the transportation sector for Canadians and for the economy, the Government of Canada has been committed to keeping it safe and secure since the onset of the pandemic.

Throughout the pandemic, on the advice, guidance, and recommendations of the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), the Government of Canada, including Transport Canada, put in place a range of measures to mitigate transportation safety and security risks associated with COVID-19.

Transport Canada has worked closely with federal partners, provinces and territories and the transportation industry to implement a comprehensive set of targeted and calibrated measures, that have evolved throughout the pandemic, based on the best available science, as well as guidance from PHAC. The measures made a real difference in mitigating the spread of COVID-19, and have kept Canadian travellers and transportation workers safe, ensuring the safety and resiliency of the Canadian transportation system.

Vaccine Mandate in the Transportation Sector: On June 20, 2022, the Government of Canada suspended vaccination requirements for domestic and outbound travel and for federally regulated transportation sectors; vaccination is no longer a requirement to board a plane or train in Canada. In addition, employers in the federally regulated air, rail, and marine sectors are no longer required to have mandatory vaccination policies in place for employees. 

Border Measures: On October 1, 2022, the Government of Canada removed all COVID-19 entry restrictions, as well as testing, quarantine, and isolation requirements for anyone entering Canada, meaning that all travellers, regardless of citizenship, no longer have to:

  • submit public health information through the ArriveCAN app or website;
  • provide proof of vaccination;
  • undergo pre- or on-arrival testing;
  • carry out COVID-19-related quarantine or isolation;
  • monitor and report if they develop signs or symptoms of COVID-19 upon arriving to Canada.

COVID-19 Requirements in the Transportation Sector: In alignment with PHACs adjustments to border measures, Transport Canada also removed all existing travel requirements as of October 1, 2022. As such, travellers are no longer required to undergo health checks for air and rail travel, or wear masks on planes and trains. All travellers are strongly recommended to continue wearing high quality and well-fitted masks during their journeys. Cruise measures were also lifted, and travellers are no longer required to have pre-board tests, be vaccinated, or use ArriveCAN. A set of guidelines remain in place to protect passengers and crew, which align with the approach used in the United States.

The Government of Canada will continue to evaluate measures and will not hesitate to make adjustments based on the latest public health advice and science to keep Canadians and the transportation system safe and secure.


Presented to the House of Commons
Glen Motz (Medicine Hat—Cardston—Warner)
October 26, 2022 (Petition No. 441-00810)
Government response tabled
December 9, 2022
Photo - Glen Motz
Medicine Hat—Cardston—Warner
Conservative Caucus

26 signatures

Only validated signatures are counted towards the total number of signatures.