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441-00706 (Foreign affairs)

Paper petition

Original language of petition: English

Petition to the Prime Minister

We, the undersigned, residents of Canada, draw the attention of the Prime Minister:


  • 1. The borders of Somaliland with Ethiopia, Somalia and Djibouti are demarcated;

  • 2. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II's proclamation of Somaliland independence was gazetted on June 24, 1960; A former British Protectorate, Somaliland won its independence on June 26, 1960 and signed United Nations treaties with Great Britain and Northern Ireland;

  • 3. The Constitutive Act of the African Union states the Union shall function in accordance with the following principles: (b) respect of borders existing on achievement of independence;

  • 4. Somaliland was an independent, sovereign state before entering an unsuccessful and legally invalid union with Somalia;

  • 5. The independence declaration of May 18, 1991 occurred after years of documented human rights violations by the Somali state against the civilian population of Somaliland;

  • 6. On May 18, 2022, the people of Somaliland will be celebrating 31 years since reclaiming their independence;

  • 7. In 2001, Somaliland established a new constitution. Somaliland has since established its own Currency, Central Bank, and built a successful free-market economy. They have overseen the restoration of peace, established an independent judiciary and Electoral Commission, and cultivated a stable, multiparty democracy;

  • 8. Somaliland has all the attributes of statehood as defined by the 1933 Montevideo Convention. It has a permanent population, a defined territory, government and capacity to enter into relations with other states; and

  • 9. Recognition would enhance security, drive economic development and entrench democracy in one of the world's most unstable regions.

Therefore, we, the undersigned residents of Canada, call upon the Prime Minister to call for an investigation into the legality of the union, and if no legal documentation supporting it is found, to recognize Somaliland as an independent country.

Response by the Minister of Foreign Affairs

Signed by (Minister or Parliamentary Secretary): Rob Oliphant

The Government of Canada recognizes Somaliland as a semi-autonomous and important region within the Federal Republic of Somalia. Canada’s position is consistent with that of the international community, including the African Union, and maintains that the Federal Government of Somalia and Somaliland must reach an agreement on their future relationship.

The Government of Canada would also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the considerable progress made in the Somaliland region, to which residents and diaspora members have made a significant contribution.  More specifically, Canada would like to acknowledge the progress made with respect to peacebuilding and democratic development, as exemplified by the successful holding of parliamentary and local elections in May 2021. Canada was concerned by reports of clashes between protestors and security forces in August 2022, and hopes that the next Presidential elections, which have been postponed until next year, will be able to move forward.

Overall, in 2020-21, across all delivery channels, Canada provided $78.3 million to Somalia in international assistance. Canada’s development assistance is balanced across all Federal Member States in Somalia, including Somaliland. Humanitarian assistance is based on need.

Canada is deeply concerned by the humanitarian impact of the drought that is currently affecting Somalia and much of the Horn of Africa region. For 2022, Canada has allocated $40.25 million to our humanitarian partners who are working to save lives throughout Somalia. This support to UN agencies, the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement, and NGOs is helping to improve access to food, safe water and sanitation, treatment for acute malnutrition and other critical healthcare, emergency shelter, and protection services for those in need.

The Government of Canada engages regularly with the Government of the Federal Republic of Somalia and a broad range of actors, including non-governmental organizations and business leaders. All of Canada’s missions abroad are charged with advancing inclusive approaches that respect social differences as a key element of fostering and sustaining peace. The promotion and protection of human rights and gender equality is an integral part of Canadian foreign policy and a priority in bilateral engagements with Somalia.

Looking forward, Canada will continue to work with members of the international community to help strengthen the capacity of the Federal Government of Somalia and the regions. The COVID-19 pandemic reduced Embassy officials’ ability to travel; this travel, including to Hargeisa, is being reinstated and serves to connect with a broad range of actors to advance shared priorities.

Presented to the House of Commons
Salma Zahid (Scarborough Centre)
September 26, 2022 (Petition No. 441-00706)
Government response tabled
November 14, 2022
Photo - Salma Zahid
Scarborough Centre
Liberal Caucus

55 signatures

Only validated signatures are counted towards the total number of signatures.