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441-00414 (Justice)

Paper petition

Original language of petition: English



  • In 2006, Ralph Leon, Jr. and twelve other individuals were charged after a fifteen-month investigation into alleged eagle poaching;

  • This legal action languished in the courts for nine years and included: a mistrial, a fraud conviction against a senior conservation officer in charge of the investigation, calls from local Sto:lo leaders to drop the case, and accusations of highly unethical and disrespectful behaviour on the part of the B.C. Conservation Officer Service (BCCOS);

  • 3,422 days after charges were laid, Ralph Leon, Jr. and another individual were acquitted after Crown Counsel directed a stay in proceedings;

  • Those wrongfully charged have gathered sufficient evidence showcasing: (a) conspiracy to prosecute innocent people; (b) defamatory media releases vilifying Indigenous peoples and culture; (c) fabrication of evidence and concealment of evidence, including perjury; (d) commission of fraud against the federal and provincial government; (e) counselling and aiding Indigenous people to commit offences; (f) trespassing onto Indigenous Reserve Lands; (g) conferring a corrupt benefit on a foreign official; and (h) violating the privacy of Indigenous people on and off Reserve Lands; and

  • Continued denial of what happened to these Indigenous Canadians taints Canadian history and leads to mistrust in our institutions and justice system.


We, the undersigned citizens of Canada, call upon the Minister of Justice to conduct a public inquiry into the injustices committed by the B.C. Conservation Officer Service and the B.C. Prosecution Service against Chief Ralph Leon, Jr. and the twelve other Indigenous individuals because of their race and culture, with the express purpose of reconciling these injustices through reversal of all convictions, return of property seized, and appropriate compensation.

Response by the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada

Signed by (Minister or Parliamentary Secretary): The Parliamentary Secretary Gary Anandasangaree

The petition calls on the Minister of Justice to conduct a public inquiry into the actions of the B.C. Conservation Officer Service and the B.C. Prosecution Service in relation to Chief Ralph Leon Jr. and 12 other Indigenous individuals charged with eagle poaching offences in 2006. The B.C. Prosecution Service stated that it stayed the charges in 2015 because the charge assessment standard for prosecution was no longer met.

The Minister of Justice is committed to making improvements within his areas of jurisdiction, and to working with provinces to address issues that fall within their respective areas of jurisdiction. The specific actions and operational decision-making of the B.C. Conservation Officer Service and the B.C. Prosecution Service in relation to the investigation, charging and prosecution of provincial wildlife offences fall within provincial jurisdiction. The substance of any public inquiry must respect the distribution of legislative powers set out in sections 91 and 92 of the Constitution Act,1867.

The Government of Canada is committed to advancing reconciliation by addressing systemic racism and the overrepresentation of Indigenous Peoples in the criminal justice system. The Minister of Justice recognises that eagles and eagle feathers are integral in many Indigenous cultures and that there is substantive and symbolic importance of their use within tradition and ceremony. To this end, the Minister of Justice understands that supporting Indigenous-led, culturally appropriate, and community-based justice services is key to making necessary systemic changes.   


Presented to the House of Commons
Brad Vis (Mission—Matsqui—Fraser Canyon)
May 9, 2022 (Petition No. 441-00414)
Government response tabled
June 21, 2022
Photo - Brad Vis
Mission—Matsqui—Fraser Canyon
Conservative Caucus
British Columbia

25 signatures

Only validated signatures are counted towards the total number of signatures.