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432-00942 (Natural resources and energy)

Paper petition

Original language of petition: English

Petition to the House of Commons

We, the undersigned citizens of Canada, draw the attention of the House of Commons to the following:

Whereas, Alberta has faced systemic economic discrimination against its people and interests by Governments and ideologies that advocate for the shutting down or phasing out of Alberta's energy infrastructure. The consequences of these actions have been the loss of wealth, prosperity, opportunity, wellness, and the ability for Alberta to operate as an equal partner in confederation;

Whereas, Albertans cannot remain silent in the face of this ongoing discrimination against its people, lands, and resources;

Therefore we, the undersigned, call on the House of Commons to take the following actions to address the situation:

1. Formally recognize Alberta's place as an equal partner in the federation.

2. Remove any barriers to Alberta being able to develop its resources without interference.

3. Ensure unfettered access to international markets for those resources.

Response by the President of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada and Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs

Signed by (Minister or Parliamentary Secretary): Kevin Lamoureux

The Government of Canada recognizes that Alberta is indispensable to the social and economic fabric of Canada and it is committed to supporting Alberta families, workers and businesses. The Government provides significant financial support to all provinces and territories to support social programs. In 2021-22, Alberta will receive $6.8 billion through major transfers to help pay for health care, education and other social services.

The Government of Canada is committed to fostering productive relationships with all provinces and territories, including Alberta.

The Prime Minister has appointed the Honourable Jim Carr as Special Representative for the Prairies. Minister Carr’s mandate notably includes maintaining open and collaborative relationships with the Prairie provinces, with the goal of working together to serve and improve the lives of all Canadians.

The Government recognizes that Albertans have faced economic challenges in recent years due to declines in commodity prices and limited capacity to export products, including oil.

The Government took significant action to assist Alberta’s economy with the 2018 purchase of Trans Mountain Corporation, which is overseeing the completion of the Trans Mountain Expansion project, which will significantly increase Alberta’s oil export capacity.

We are committed to get Canadian resources to new markets, and offer unwavering support to those in Canada’s natural resource sectors who have faced tough times recently.

The Government of Canada has also worked very closely with the Government of Alberta to manage the current COVID-19 situation in a number of areas. The Government of Canada is providing support to Albertans and Alberta businesses, including the oil and gas industry.

The Government recognizes that energy-producing regions are facing the compounding challenges of COVID-19 and the shock to oil prices. In addition to a range of programs to support individuals and businesses, the Government of Canada has notably provided $1 billion to the Government of Alberta to support the province’s work to clean up inactive oil and gas wells across the province and $200 million to the Alberta Orphan Wells Association to support its work to clean up orphan oil and gas wells and well sites across Alberta.

We know that Canada only succeeds when every region and province – including Alberta – succeeds.



Presented to the House of Commons
Damien Kurek (Battle River—Crowfoot)
May 10, 2021 (Petition No. 432-00942)
Government response tabled
June 11, 2021
Photo - Damien Kurek
Battle River—Crowfoot
Conservative Caucus

25 signatures

Only validated signatures are counted towards the total number of signatures.