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432-00718 (Public safety)

Paper petition

Original language of petition: English

Petition to the Government of Canada

We, the undersigned Citizens and Residents of Canada draw the attention of the Government of Canada to the following:

  • That highly damaging noise levels repeatedly reach the ears of firearm users despite the use of traditional hearing protection;
  • That section 7 of our Charter of Rights and Freedoms recognises an individual's right to personal health and safety;
  • That sound moderators are the only universally recognised health and safety device that has a criminal prohibition in Canada;
  • That, as affirmed in Bedford v. Canada at the Supreme Court of Canada, one cannot be prevented from taking reasonable steps to improve personal safety in a hazardous situation;
  • That the majority of G7 nations and many others have recognised the health and safety benefits involved, and allow the legal use of sound moderators by hunters and sport shooters;
  • That sound moderators reduce noise pollution and noise complaints in communities with shooting ranges, in rural and farm communities, and in areas used for recreational activities where hunting and target shooting is legal;
  • That sound moderators facilitate significantly increased humane husbandry of game animals, livestock, and pets as hunting companions;
  • That hearing damage is a significant quality of life and public health issue costing taxpayers millions annually.

THEREFORE, your petitioners call upon the Government of Canada to:

  • Take a stand and empower Canadians to be responsible for their own health and safety by removing the prohibition of sound moderators from the Criminal Code of Canada;
  • Allow the legal acquisition, possession, and use of sound moderators on firearms by all licensed firearms users in Canada;
  • Call upon the provinces and territories to amend provincial and territorial prohibitions and allow the use of sound moderators while engaged in all legal hunting and sport shooting activities.

Response by the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada

Signed by (Minister or Parliamentary Secretary): The Honourable David Lametti

The Government believes in implementing effective measures with respect to firearms that prioritize public safety, while remaining mindful of the impact of such measures on firearms owners and businesses.

Any device or contrivance designed or intended to muffle or stop the sound or report of a firearm has been unlawful in Canada since the early 1900s. These items are prescribed as prohibited devices in the Regulations Prescribing Certain Firearms and Other Weapons, Components and Parts of Weapons, Accessories, Cartridge Magazines, Ammunition and Projectiles as Prohibited or Restricted.

Sound reduction or elimination diminishes the public’s ability to react to gun shots and makes it difficult for law enforcement to become aware of a possible criminal incident.                                                                

Firearms owners can make use of other forms of hearing protection that are commonly available and that do not adversely impact public safety.

Presented to the House of Commons
Arnold Viersen (Peace River—Westlock)
March 24, 2021 (Petition No. 432-00718)
Government response tabled
May 7, 2021
Photo - Arnold Viersen
Peace River—Westlock
Conservative Caucus

43 signatures

Only validated signatures are counted towards the total number of signatures.