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432-00190 (Justice)

Paper petition

Original language of petition: English



  1. A CBC documentary revealed that ultrasounds are being used in Canada to tell the sex of an unborn child so that expectant parents can choose to terminate the pregnancy if the unborn child is a girl;
  2. An Environics poll found that 92% of Canadians believe sex-selective pregnancy termination "should be illegal";
  3. The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada and the Canadian Association of Radiologists strongly oppose the non-medical use of fetal ultrasounds;
  4. There are over 200 million girls missing worldwide. This gendercide has created a global gender imbalance crisis resulting in violence and the human trafficking of girls;
  5. The Three Deadliest words in the World are: It's a Girl.

Therefore we, the undersigned, call upon Canada's Parliament to condemn discrimination against girls occurring through sex-selective pregnancy termination.

Response by the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada

Signed by (Minister or Parliamentary Secretary): The Honourable David Lametti

The Government of Canada condemns all practices that are motivated by discriminatory views of women and girls, including sex selective practices.

In Canada, the administration and funding of health care services is a provincial responsibility that falls under the purview of the provincial governments. As is the case for other medical procedures, the delivery of abortion services is determined by the policies of the provincial governments and the standards set by the medical profession itself.

Presented to the House of Commons
Arnold Viersen (Peace River—Westlock)
October 30, 2020 (Petition No. 432-00190)
Government response tabled
January 25, 2021
Photo - Arnold Viersen
Peace River—Westlock
Conservative Caucus

29 signatures

Only validated signatures are counted towards the total number of signatures.