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Petition to the House of Commons

  • Studies around the world have determined that severe infections, hospitalizations and pandemic deaths were directly (inversely) related to the serum levels of vitamin D, “the sunshine vitamin”;
  • Multiple studies have shown most Canadians have insufficient blood levels of vitamin D to ensure optimal health as levels plummet during long winter months;
  • Those most severely impacted include the elderly, “shut ins”, and those with darker skin pigmentation, including new immigrants and Indigenous citizens;
  • Beyond bone health and support of immunity against viral and bacterial infections, vitamin D is important to prevent or treat many diseases including cancers, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, asthma, multiple sclerosis, dementia, other neurological disorders, and poor oral health;
  • An out-dated blood level target for bone health (50nmol/l) has been eclipsed by abundant data showing optimized health requires 125-250nmol/l;
  • The impact of this low-cost intervention is estimated to result in annual reductions in healthcare costs exceeding $23 billion (~6-7% of total healthcare spending in Canada 2023, ~ $344 billion); and
  • Patient-pay fees for diagnostic vitamin D blood tests are an anomaly in Canada and an unacceptable barrier to the poor.
We, the undersigned, citizens and residents of Canada, call upon the House of Commonsto
1. Raise vitamin D blood level targets and out-dated guidelines;
2. Encourage provincial partners to remove disincentives for vitamin D blood tests; and
3. Promote vitamin D sufficiency for all Canadians.

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