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e-3495 (Indigenous affairs)

Initiated by Brandy Callihoo from Edmonton, Alberta

Original language of petition: English

Petition to the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations

  • Michel Band, a First Nations band in present day Alberta, signed Adhesion to Treaty 6 on September 3rd 1878, via their representative Michel Callihoo;
  • The Government and settlers in the area of the Michel band’s reserve subsequently illegally pressured band members to surrender their land;
  • The Government of Canada and the Department of Indian Affairs illegally enfranchised the members of the Michel Band in 1958, and are denying treaty and inherent rights of Michel band members and their descendants; and
  • Crown and Indigenous relations are failing to uphold and to honour the Treaty and inherent rights of Michel Band members and are denying treaty benefits of status, education, housing, land and revenue and resource sharing.
We, the undersigned, the Michel Band Nation and citizens of Turtle Island, call upon the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations to
1. Re-establish a treaty relationship with the Michel Band;
2. Create an exploratory table to begin negotiations, so that we can rectify the injustices suffered by our nation.
Open for signature
June 14, 2021, at 4:29 p.m. (EDT)
Closed for signature
July 14, 2021, at 4:29 p.m. (EDT)
Photo - Heather McPherson
Edmonton Strathcona
New Democratic Party Caucus