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e-3461 (Foreign affairs)

Initiated by Ali Gorji from Montréal, Quebec

Original language of petition: English

Petition to the Government of Canada

  • The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corporation (IRGC) has been created and employed as an instrument of oppression and terrorism both in Iran, and abroad;
  • The IRGC has a 42-year history of terrorism, suppression, brutality, and murder of innocent people, some of whom were Canadian citizens;
  • The IRGC destroyed Ukrainian Flight PS752, on January 8, 2020, killing all 176 passengers and crew, of which 138 of the passengers were on their way to Canada;
  • The decision of Justice Belobaba, of the Ontario Superior Court, on May 20, 2021, deemed the downing of flight PS752 to be intentional and an act of terrorism;
  • Most of Iran’s economy is under the IRGC’s control, the economy has become one of the most corrupt in the world and Canada is one of its primary destinations for money laundering; and
  • The Quds Force, the external branch of the IRGC, has been listed as a terrorist entity by Canada, and despite a motion to designate the IRGC as a terrorist entity, which was passed by a large majority of MPs in the House of Commons in 2018, the Government of Canada has not yet enforced this motion.
We, the undersigned, citizens and residents of Canada, many of whom have directly suffered at the hands of the regime of Iran and its agents, call upon the Government of Canada to designate the IRGC a terrorist entity, and direct that it be promptly treated accordingly.
Open for signature
June 11, 2021, at 12:47 p.m. (EDT)
Closed for signature
October 9, 2021, at 12:47 p.m. (EDT)
Photo - Garnett Genuis
Sherwood Park—Fort Saskatchewan
Conservative Caucus