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e-1764 (Organ donation)

Initiated by Tristan Leblanc from Blainville, Quebec

Original language of petition: French

Petition to the House of Commons

  • Organ donation is supported by 90% of Canadians, but only 20% have made arrangements to donate;
  • In 10% to 15% of cases, families withdraw consent following a donor’s death because they were not previously informed of the donor’s plans;
  • Currently, only 2% of hospital deaths meet the criteria for organ donation;
  • Motion M-189 states, as follows: "That the House: (a) reiterate its commitment to facilitate collaboration on an organ and tissue donation and transplantation system that gives Canadians timely and effective access to care, since every year more than 250 people, out of the 4,500 on waiting lists, die without receiving a transplant; and (b) urge the government to support national efforts with provincial and territorial authorities and stakeholders to increase organ and tissue donation rates in Canada through public education and awareness campaigns, ongoing communication and the exchange of information, including best practices."
We, the undersigned citizens of Canada, call upon the House of Commons to adopt Motion M-189 introduced in the House of Commons by Ramez Ayoub, Member of Parliament for Thérèse-De Blainville.
Government response tabled on January 16, 2019 (Sessional Paper No. 8545-421-134-12)
Open for signature
July 3, 2018, at 3:37 p.m. (EDT)
Closed for signature
October 31, 2018, at 3:37 p.m. (EDT)
Presented to the House of Commons
Ramez Ayoub (Thérèse-De Blainville)
November 22, 2018 (Petition No. 421-02945)
Government response tabled
January 16, 2019
Photo - Ramez Ayoub
Thérèse-De Blainville
Liberal Caucus