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e-1535 (Post-secondary education)

Initiated by Anna Tölgyesi from Whitehorse, Yukon

Original language of petition: French

Petition to the House of Commons

  • Canada’s francophone minority youth need post-secondary education options in their language in order to succeed, promote the language and maintain their francophone pride;
  • French-language post-secondary education plays an important role in minority communities and in their identities by ensuring youth from francophone communities can depend on a genuine continuum of education in French, from early childhood to the post-secondary level;
  • Distance, the lack of courses and programs, and linguistic insecurity are barriers that can prevent students from continuing their post-secondary studies in French; and
  • There is no francophone university west of Manitoba.
We, the undersigned, citizens of Canada, call upon the House of Commons to undertake the development of a national plan to increase the number of post-secondary institutions, programs and courses in francophone minority communities, especially in Western Canada.
Open for signature
March 2, 2018, at 12:31 p.m. (EDT)
Closed for signature
June 30, 2018, at 12:31 p.m. (EDT)
Photo - Larry Bagnell
Liberal Caucus